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Kaldygayty River.

Nature walks in the West Kazakhstan region.
“I like to look at the expanse of water,
Like there's no flow
My footprints won't heal
To the river, there is no doubt”
Anatoly Bolutenko.
Photos of the West Kazakhstan region.
Kaldygayty River - occupies a central place in the Ural-Emba interfluve in the Western Kaahstan region. Its length is about 200 km, the basin area is 2500 square kilometers. The river begins after the confluence of the Kuagash and Bayan streams, originating in the steppe on the slopes of the chalk mountains.
In the Kuagash Valley there is a wonderful natural monument - the sands of Accum. On the way to the southwest, the Kaldygayty river divides two sand massifs - Karagandykum and Kuguzyukkum. 45 km to the Urals, Kaldygayty is lost in a system of lakes and spills.
A.A. Chibilev. "The Ural River." Leningrad. Hydrometeoizdat, 1987.
Alexander Petrov.