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Kashkadarya river.

Hiking in Uzbekistan.
“May came home with a smooth round stone as small as a world and as large as alone”
E.E. Cummings.
Mountains of Central Asia.
Kashkadarya (Uzbek. Qashqadaryo, Қashқadaryo) is a river in the Sogd region of Tajikistan and the Kashkadarya region of Uzbekistan. The ancient tributary of Zerafshan. The average water consumption is 24.9 cubic meters per second.
The catchment area is 8710 square kilometers. In the initial section of the course, it is called Obihunda, then - Shinachasai, in the lower reaches - Maymanakdarya. Employees of a special detachment under the leadership of Y. G. Gulyamov proved that Kashkadarya periodically flowed into Zeravshan, in its lower course, until the XIIth century.
Later, the ancient tributary of Kashkadarya, which flowed into Zeravshan near the ancient settlement Paikend, was traced and mapped by A.R. Mukhamedzhanov. The length of the Kashkadarya River is 378 kilometers, the basin area, according to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, is 8780 square kilometers, according to the National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan - about 12,000 square kilometers.
The origins in the west of the Zeravshan and Hissar ranges. The place of the river flow from the village of Duab is called the Kashkadarya Valley. Kashkadarya (Obikhunda) originates at an altitude of 2960 meters above sea level, in the western part of Hissar, 1.5 kilometers east of the Tautash border pass.
Until the beginning of the XIII century periodically flowed into Zarafshan. Currently, the geographic mouth of Kashkadarya is Lake Deukhan in the same depression in the territory of the Bukhara region of Uzbekistan.
Main tributaries: Akdarya (Aksu), Tanhizydarya and Guzardarya. Food - snow and rain. The waters of Kashkadarya are widely used for irrigation, and beyond the Karshi oasis in the Karshi region, the channel is gradually lost.
The lower reaches of the river are fed through the channel Eskianhor by the waters of Zeravshan. On Kashkadarya, the Chimkurgan reservoir is located.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.