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Kaynar baba lake.

Trips around mineral lakes of foothills of Kugitangtau.
“Nature is an infinite sphere whose center is everywhere”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Walk on lake Kaynar baba in mountains Kugintangtau.
The lake Kaynar baba - the known place in the foothills of Ridge Kugitangtau which is in the southeast of Turkmenistan at the settlement of Garlyk. Here the hydrosulphuric source, and also the small lake at which people to have a rest after long transition on the desert for the further road is located.
For a long time, when there went numerous caravans from Kelif to Guzar and further to Bukhara or to Samarkand here. The lake Kaynar baba - the real place of a pilgrimage. Nearby there are sacred mausoleums, and travelers at first worship Saints, swim in the lake.
Kaynar baba small, in comparison with the lake Kyotte-Kel. Water mineral is also called in the people "the boiling spring". The Karlyuk steppe is rather poor vegetation therefore during a heat children and adults swim in the lake.
Springs of the lake are water sources. Near the lake the hydrosulphuric source Akkoz is located. Here are treated curative dirt. The lake in the diameter of twenty five meters, clear water, seems that the bottom of the lake is covered with pearls.
There is a lot of fish, fresh water therefore any person can satisfy thirst here. There is no other fresh source in this steppe. On the lake Kaynar baba - is a lot of unsolved secrets and real miracles wide popularity. Water temperature in a spring 22 C.
Near a source there is a cult burial Kaynar baba. The word of mouth carefully keeps memory of its kind feats. Kaynar baba perfectly knew art to cure illnesses and recovered much health and joy of life. For treatment he used water from nearby sources Aqsa and Geksa.
Salutary properties of sources Kaynar baba are explained by considerable contents in the chemical composition of its water of useful minerals and minerals, hydrogen sulfide. According to the conclusion of experts, source water is also extremely effective for treatment nervous, skin and some other types of diseases.