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Kazan Mother of God in Kyzylorda.

Excursion in orthodox temples Kyzylorda of region.
“Are you a lucky little lady in the City of Light? Or just another lost angel... City of Night?”
Jim Morrison.
City Tours in Kazakhstan.
Church of the Kazan Holy of the Mother of God is an architectural monument of the Republic of Kazakhstan with national importance. In addition, the church is a spiritual center for all orthodox residents of the city. It is the only active Orthodox Church in Kzylorda and Kyzylorda region. The construction of the Orthodox church in Perovsk (Kyzylorda) has own interesting history. The first Orthodox Church was consecrated on 15 October in 1855. It was a church camp which was just tent.
The church was built of mud brick with a roof of felt mat in 1863. However, it was blurred by rain in 1868. In the same year, the church building was built of mud brick again, but it was made of burnt bricks and the roof was covered with sheet iron. This building served for prayers till the construction of Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, after which it was dismantled. At the site of the altar of the old building was installed chapel, which wasn't preserved till today.
Construction of the church began in 1890 and lasted for more than five years. A local architect Yesakova designed Church; engineer Kalinin led the construction process. However, from other historical sources in connection with the church project mentioned the name of the famous Tashkent architect V.S. Heinzelman, who developed projects of churches for Russian settlements in Syrdarya region, one of which could be adapted for Church of the Kazan Icon.
The church was built of mud yellow brick which made in Kazalinsk, which is located more than 300 km away from the construction. Consecration of the new church took place on December 6, 1896. Construction of the church cost 35 thousand rubles, in which 5000 were collected from Perovsk (Kzylorda) residents, and the rest from the state treasury. There were 9 bells in the church, the largest bell weighed 136 pounds.
An interesting fact is that the church was in charge of the military department until December 1906 year. It related to a regiment, and then was given to the church of the diocese. Unfortunately, Church of the Kazan Icon suffered the fate of many religious buildings with the advent of Soviet power, and it was closed in the middle of the 1930s. Collection point for special settlers was placed in the building of the church, and then there was an observatory, and later the Regional Museum.
The museum moved to a more comfortable place in 1982. The building of the church was declared as an architectural monument of national significance, but the money was not allocated for the restoration. That is why it was closed. The church was handed over to the Russian Orthodox Church by the decision of Kyzylorda centenary only in May 1989. Most of the murals of the church had been lost during years of inactivity, and descriptions had been saved, which could afford to restore.
Survived only a small part of the church utensils and a few icons. Rebuilding of the church was carried out for the expense of parishioners and patrons from other regions and states. Crosses were restored on the domes. Kazakh artists did new paintings for the church. Bells were installed, which made by master Shuvalov from Yaroslavl. Cropped oxygen cylinders were used as bells in a few years. The roof of the church was covered with gilded iron during the regular work in 2008, before it was colored to blue.
Currently, the staff of RSE "Kazrestavratsiya" are preparing for restoration work of the Church of the Kazan Icon. Experts are studying the materials from which the building was built and making sophisticated analysis, advising how to maximize the quality of the work.
«The guidebook on Kyzylorda areas».
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.