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Komarov glacier. Kokshaal-Too ridge.

Glaciers of Naryn region.
“May the avalanches pass you by
In your unforeseen hour!
half ice snow
They lie as if in reserve,
For someone's soul, someone's soul..."
Yuri Vizbor. 1963.
Glaciers of Kyzyl-Asker massif.
Komarov glacier (Kyzylunet) is located on the northern slope of the Kokshaal-Too ridge in the upper reaches of the Kyzylunet gorge in the At-Bashinsky district of the Naryn region. The origins of the glacier are located in the main crest of the ridge at an altitude of 5242 meters above sea level in the eastern part of the highest mountain range of the region - Kyzyl-Asker.
The area of the Komarov glacier belongs to the Aksai glaciation unit, which is located on a 70-kilometer stretch between the outbursts of the Ak-Sai and Uzengegush rivers. The watershed of these rivers from the north of the Kokshaal-Too ridge is the Kagalachap syrt plateau, located north of Kokshaal-Too at an altitude of about 3800 meters above sea level.
The second highest peak of the Western Kokshaal-Too is the Kyzyl-Asker peak, 5842 meters above sea level, located southwest of the glacier. Two spurs branch off from the main ridge of the ridge to the north: the western one, 5.8 kilometers long, and the eastern one, 10 kilometers long.
These spurs divide the Komarov (Kyzylunet) glacier into three ice streams. The length of the central, longest branch of the glacier is 9.5 kilometers, with a width of 1 kilometer. The eastern branch of the glacier is 8.3 kilometers long and 1.2 kilometers wide.
The length of the western branch of the glacier is 7.5 kilometers, with a width of 1.5 kilometers, taking into account the glaciers descending from the eastern slope of the gorge. At the end of the glacier, their parts join and form a short ice plateau up to 4 kilometers wide.
The glacier ends with a sheer ice wall up to 25 meters high. In the middle of its height, the main stream of the Kyzylunet River, belonging to the Eastern Aksai basin, bursts out with a roar from a large ice grotto. Streams flow down the entire surface of the wall, cut with vertical cracks, covered with streaks of mud flowing from the surface of the moraine.
History of discovery of Komarov glacier (Kyzylunet).
An expedition of the glaciologist Palgov was sent to study the glaciers of Western Kokshaal-Too. During the study of the glaciers of the Kyzylunet gorge, Nikolai Palgov named it after the famous Soviet scientist - Komarov.
In August, the Moscow expedition of Professor A.A. visited the glacier. Letaveta.
Geographical coordinates of Komarov Glacier: N41°04'47.30" E77°23'17.76"
Alexander Petrov.
Zatulovsky D.M. "On the glaciers and peaks of Central Asia." OGIZ, State publishing house of geographical literature. 1948