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Kosuytas stone mound.

Sacred monuments of Ulytau.
"If you yearn for love, take the dagger
your sharp
And cut your throat to your shame"
Ancient settlements in Ulytau.
Dyn (dyn- dome-shaped structure made of wild stones) Kosuytas is located at an altitude of 541 meters above sea level, located 911 meters from the left bank of the drying Tolebala River, 1.5 kilometers southeast of the village of Egindi, 29.3 kilometers northwest of the village of Algabas, in 37.6 kilometers northeast of the village of Boztumsyk in the Ulytau district of the region of the same name..
The architectural monuments of Central Kazakhstan of the pre-Islamic period (VIII - X centuries B.C.) differ from the Central Asian monuments in the design features of the structures. The outer shape of which (conical) resembles a yurt. A number of similar structures include - Kosuytas.
Dyn Kosuytas is a stone structure smaller than an ordinary melon in terms of area. The structures close to each other resemble a yurt in shape. Among the locals they are known under the name “Two Houses” (Kos tam).
The first object has hardly survived. The second is not touched. On the western side of the monument, there is a stone statue depicting two women, facing east. One of the stone statues depicts the girl's wedding headdress - saukele.
During the Middle Ages, Kosuytas was a spiritual and religious center, where the custom (as) of worshiping the cult of ancestors was carried out.
Geographic coordinates of dyn Kosuytas: N49 ° 02'39.92 "E67 ° 45'41.02"
Authority and photos:
Alexander Petrov,