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Kulak-Ata Mausoleum.

Tours to the religious monuments of Sozak.
“The distance of time’s separation brings us remnants of memories so ancient that most are lost in the mists of illusion…”
A.J. Vosse.
Architectural sights of village Sozak.
The Kulak Ata mausoleum is located in the administrative center of the Sozak rural district in the village of Sozak in the Sozak district of the Turkestan region in the eastern part of the Sozak settlement. Built of adobe bricks on a rubble foundation, coated with clay from the outside.
A similar type of mazar, common in this region, has a characteristic elongated dome mounted on a quad. There are 4 square holes at the top of the dome. There is a low entrance on the south side, the entrance is on the west side.
According to the description of local residents, earlier the crown of the dome was covered with blue cladding (Kok-kumbez - from Kazakh. - “Blue Dome”). At G.G. Gerasimov found a description of this mazar with a top covered with light blue glaze and plaster rods in the center of the dome, below which there was a belt with small notches of a semicircular end.
To date, only the plaster roller in the center of the dome has been preserved. The transition from the quadruple to the dome was carried out through the beam clots. In the western wall there is a shallow square niche located at the entrance.
In the center of the mausoleum there is a tombstone made of adobe bricks.
Geographic coordinates of the Kulak Ata mausoleum: N44 ° 08'15.05 "E68 ° 28'05.20"
D. A. Taleev. "Code of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region." Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. In the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage".
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.