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Lake Aksukon.

Tours by the nature of Northern Tajikistan.
Lake Aksukon name a pearl of Northern Tajikistan. This unusual lake is in 80 kilometers to northeast from city Khudjand (the former city of Leninabad) in province Sughd Ashtskom of area.
The Most part of this area of Tajikistan represents the shallow, deserted plain which is smoothly going down on a southeast to a valley of the river of Syr-Darya. From the north and the West the plain is limited by spurs Kuraminskiy of a ridge, and in the south low ridge Suletau, separated from Kairakum water basins.
The lake Aksukon borrows a hollow in length about eight and width two kilometers. The reservoir settles down in lowland of a hollow and has twice the smaller sizes. The layer of the water filling lake, reaches the maximal thickness 50 - 70 centimeters, only in its east part.
In the western half of lake opened aside of stream Karatabon, depth of lake is even less. To the middle of summer of water here at all does not remain, and deposits at the bottom of lake dry up, become covered thick коркой salts.
By the end of summer such "armour" east part of lake becomes covered also, under a layer of salt the small amount рапы, sated is saved by chloride sodium (table salt). As impurity in this brine sulphatic and chloride connections of calcium, magnesium, a pine forest and калия contain carbonat.
All these components, and also organic substance, phosphorus and iron are a part and the lying below brownо-black, oily silt, being the most interesting product of modern deposits saved up in lake.
This silt, its medical properties, have brought fadeless glory to lake Aksukon.
Books of: "Mountain Fany", Authors A.S. Mukhin, V.F. Gusev. «Nature of Tajikistan » publishing house "Idea", 1982. Pavel Luknitsky, ”Travel across Pamir”, Molodaya guards, 1955. "Pamir", publishing house "Planet " 1987, under edition of member correspondent AN the USSR M.S. Asimova.