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Lake Altyntor. Alamedin gorge.

Hiking to mountain lakes in Kyrgyzstan.
"The water is delicious in the mountains, the flowers are beautiful on the plain."
Chinese proverb.
Mountain lakes in Alamedin gorge.
Lake Altyntor is located at an altitude of 2761 meters above sea level, located on the left, eastern slope of the Alamedin gorge, on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz Ala-Too in the Alamudun district of the Chui region.
Lake Altyntor is located in the upper reaches between the Altyn-Ter River and the Utrenny stream, in the west of the Black Mountain. The length of the lake is 187 meters, the greatest width in the southern part is 58 meters.
The perimeter of the lake is 425 meters, the area is 7792 square meters. The northern and northeastern shores of the lake are overgrown with juniper, the western shore is steep and rocky. The eastern shore of the lake is scree.
The lake is filled by the Kara-Too (Mayakovsky) and Tributary glaciers located in the northwest of the lake.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Altyntor: N42 ° 28'11.65 "E74 ° 36'42.04"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.