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Lake of Jurassic Period.

Travel on sights in mountains Borolday-Tau.
"Some mountain lakes, presumably, have a karst origin. Here geological cuts of the top Proterozoic, Cambrian and Ordovician are studied. In ordovician deposits numerous prints of fossil organisms meet: trilobit, brachiopods, graptolit, and also a stromatolita - traces of activity of blue-green seaweed"
Paleontologic excursions across Kazakhstan.
The lake of the Jurassic Period is in Baydibek district in Kashkarat riverheads in the Southern Kazakhstan area. 130 million years ago it was the real lake, its level changed and did not dry. Now on its place a huge set of layers of fossils.
Here the flying pangolin ramforinkh was found. This miracle is in 160 kilometers from the city of Shymkent, in the valley of the ridge Borolday-Tau. The paleontologic site of the reserve "Jurassic Lake" is the zone of scientific work of paleontologists closed for mass tourism.
In 1921 the mining engineer A. A. Aniskovich found the remains of ancient organisms here. Magnificent safety of these fossils, and also extraordinary even on world scales abundance of insects drew great attention of paleobotanists, paleoikhtiolog and paleoentomolog.
Here perfectly remained remains of fishes, the flying pangolins, salamanders, turtles, a crocodile are found and studied, the world's largest collection of insects (19 groups, 150 families, 500 childbirth, 1200 types) is collected.
The most part of these unique exhibits is stored in the Moscow paleontologic museum. In limestone in limits Aqsy-Zhabagly karst manifestations, numerous cavities, karst grooves, Carrhae, grottoes and caves are widely developed. Some mountain lakes, presumably, have a karst origin.
Here geological cuts of the top Proterozoic, Cambrian and Ordovician are studied. In ordovician deposits numerous prints of fossil organisms meet: trilobit, brachiopods, graptolit, and also a stromatolita - traces of activity of blue-green seaweed.
Ilya Fishman, Yulia Kazakova "Millions of years till the Silk way. Geoparks in Kazakhstan". Idan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty, Municipal, 39, <
Alexander Petrov.