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Lake Kultor in Naryn-Too mountains.

Tours to lakes in Naryn-Too mountains.
“Only the heart is vigilant. You can’t see the most important thing with your eyes.”
A. Saint-Exupery.
Lakes in Naryn-Too ridge.
The moraine, flowing, fresh lake Kultor is located at an altitude of 3077.2 meters above sea level, located in the central part, on the southern slope of the Naryn-Too ridge, 72.2 kilometers northeast of the village of At-Bashi in the At-Bashi district of the Naryn region.
The length of Lake Kultor from southeast to north is 1.3 kilometer
In the northern part of the lake there is a vast delta with a length of 160 meters. The lake is formed by a dammed moraine, which moves from the northern slope of the spur. 920 meters below the southern shore of the lake is a small moraine lake through which the Kensu River flows.
Geographic coordinates of Lake Kultor: N41°21'41.90" E76°37'36.34"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.