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Mausoleum of Aspantai abyz aulie Kaldaruli.

Monuments of history and culture of Kostanay region.
“When the time comes, whether we like it or not, the soul, full of sins, will go its own way”
Ma'arri al-Ma'arri.
Historical sights of Uzunkol region.
The burial place of Aspantai abyz aulie Kaldaruly is located at an altitude of 171 meters above sea level, located 5 kilometers east of the village of Fedorovka, 32.1 kilometers southwest of the village of Presnogorkovka, 26.1 kilometers northeast of the administrative center Uzunkol (formerly Leninskoye, Demyanovka) in the Uzunkol district of the Kostanay region.
In the spring of 2020, the map of sacred objects of the Kostanay region was replenished with nine new names. One of them is the burial place of Aspantai abyz auliye Koldaruly. Aspantai abyz aulie, he is also called Aspantai zhyrau, was a native of the Kypchak tribe of the Kurleut clan.
He was well known during his lifetime as a famous historical and religious figure. There are many legends around his name. His uncle Niyaz, his father's brother, was the Emir of Bukhara and ruled in the Bukhara Khanate for 12 years.
Living in a foreign land, far from his native places, he took Aspantai into his upbringing. The emir decided to give the boy versatile knowledge in all sciences, teaching him in the Bukhara madrasah. However, to the great chagrin of his uncle, his pupil was deaf to the sciences and did not at all strive for knowledge.
No matter what the ruler of Bukhara did, there was no trouble with his nephew. Then a desperate relative ordered the monks to keep Aspantai in an underground school, not letting him go to the surface of the earth for seven whole years.
Time passed and the emir decided to invite Aspantai to him. He saw that his nephew had changed a lot. Before the ruler appeared not the same teenager - tear off the head, as he once was. When asked by the Emir what he had learned, Aspantay answered with dignity and sedateness:
- “I spent seven years of my life not in vain. I brought together all the knowledge from heaven to earth, studied the languages of not only people, but also all life on earth, up to the language of plants, learned all the laws and patterns of the earth.
Test me as soon as possible. They say it's good in a foreign land, but it's better in the homeland. The older Emir Niyaz became, the more he was drawn to return to his native steppes, he dreamed of freeing his native lands from the Dzhungars.
Therefore, he turned to Abylai Khan with a request to allocate land for him and his forty thousandth people to live. Abylai Khan respected the request of the great emir and allocated him lands along the Esil River.
And finally, forty thousand kurleuts, led by Niyaz biy himself, stopped on the high bank of Yesil.
Ahead, rolling high, black waves, seethed an unfriendly river. Horses and people, afraid to enter the water, huddled together on the shore. How to transport through a powerful flow of people, livestock? And then Niyaz remembered the words of his nephew that he could test him on occasion.
Calling Aspantai, the former emir of Bukhara said:
- “Well, the time has come when I can test you.
Aspantai did not hesitate for a long time, threw down the rosary, read a prayer and with the whip that he held in his hands struck the surface of the seething water.
- Otkel bol! (Become a crossing!) he ordered the river, as the legend tells. And, oh miracle! The river parted and a passage appeared right in the middle of it. Since then, the river has been called Karaotkel - "Black Passage", as the legend says.
The news about Aspantai aulie and his strength spread among the people, he began to travel often, visiting certain auls. Everywhere he was met with great honors, the aulie sought to receive the blessing, people went to him in the hope of being healed of their ailments.
It is known that part of the Aspantay brothers lived on the land between the present Uzunkol and Presnogorkovka. One day, the aulie came to visit them, but on the way he became very ill. Anticipating his imminent death, he told his friends and relatives accompanying him to want to be buried in the place where his soul would leave him and his camel would lie down.
A little before reaching his destination, Aspantai died on the road, and here, on the slope, he was buried. Later, his older brother Zhamenke was buried next to him. The descendants of Aspantai aulie today live in Semey, Astana, Uzunkol and Sarykol districts of Kostanay region.
Geographical coordinates of burial place of Aspantai abyz aulie Kaldaruly: N54°13'51.06" E65°34'44.66"
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