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Mausoleum of Kutan aulie.

Photo tours to sights of Turgai.
"A person can live without prayer, but without the opportunity to pray - never..."
Emile Michel Cioran.
Historical sights of Kostanay region.
Kutan Aulie Mausoleum is located at an altitude of 180 meters above sea level, located between the Karynsalda and Ashchytasty rivers, 768 meters from the right (eastern) bank of the Karynsalda River, 1.5 kilometers south of the KR 32 Arkalyk-Torgai highway, 15.1 kilometers west of the village of Tasty, 8 kilometers northeast of the village of Zhaldama, Amangeldy district, in the south of Kostanay region.
Kutan Aulie, he belongs to the Naiman clan, the people nicknamed him "Baғanalynyk turt taғany." Cutan of Atalikuly (1690 - 1780), who was popularly considered "Gulie", which means saint, as he possessed the gift of foresight.
Kutan Aulie was distinguished by wisdom, intelligence and insight. It is no accident that the popular rumor claims that he was a member of the council of Ablaikhan. The homeland of Kutan Aulie is the Ulytau foothills.
In the Torgai steppes, he roamed with his aul. Here he was overtaken by death. There is a legend that before his death he bequeathed to be hoisted on a camel and where this camel would stop, to bury his ashes.
Kindred fulfilled the last will of the deceased. The caravan walked along the steppe for a long time until the camel knelt on the ground and stopped at the place where the Kutan awliye burial is now located. In 1977, the saint's descendants built a brick mazar on the site of the tombstone.
A new mausoleum was built in 2008. Even after more than two hundred and thirty years after his death, people continue to believe in his supernatural powers. Not far from the grave there is a small house where travelers can stay overnight and bow to the ashes of the deceased. The mausoleum is a pilgrimage site.
Geographic coordinates of the Kutan Aulie mausoleum: N50 ° 28'28.76 "E65 ° 45'44.35"
Amandyk Ammirkhamzin.