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Mausoleum-Madrasah Akhun Baba.

Travel Guide on monuments of Turkmenistan.
"From the sigh of the first on the day of his birthday, the soul rushes for the day of the disappearance."
Maarri al-Maarri.
Sacred monuments of Mary velayat.
Mausoleum-Madrasa Akhun Baba is located in the southern part of the ancient necropolis, 2.1 kilometers north-east from the village of Talkhantan Baba, in 19.7 kilometers southeast from the village of Murgap, 23 kilometers south of Bayramali, in 15 Kilometers to the West and a little south of the village of Turkmenkal, 182 meters from the car road Mary - Eleten In the Iolotan Etrape of the Mary Velayat.
The unique monument of Turkmen architecture is also the madrasa of the Khohageld Ahuna, 7.1 kilometers from the Talkhantan Baba mosque, which is popularly called Kyrk Humbes (forty domes). Khojaheldy Akhun, who lived in the XIX century, was a famous enlightener and taught the literacy of children.
While the future mentor received an education in Bukhara, his father Abdyrahim on his own funds built a madrasa in the form of 40 globate domes. Their ruins have been preserved until now. Khojaheldy Baba taught in the madrasa, for which he received a scientific religious degree Ahun.
Under Madrasa, the scientific council worked, was a mosque with a minaret, where the richest library was collected, most of the books of which was transferred to the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan. Khojaheldy Akhun died in 1917.
In honor of him, Ahun Baba was called this place, and the heirs near the madrasa built the mausoleum of his name.
Geographic coordinates of Mausoleum-Madrasa Akhun Baba: N37 ° 24'41.50 "E62 ° 10'07,86"
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