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Mazar of Bespakyr.

Tours in Korgalzhyn district.
“There is no more joy than seeing friends,
There is no worse grief than separation from friends”
Rudaki Abu Abdallah Jafar.
Mazars of Akmola region.
Mazar Bespakyr (kaz. "Sympathy for the Five") is located at an altitude of 330 meters above sea level, located in the western part of the ancient cemetery, 70 meters north of the right bank of the Nura River, 4.1 kilometers west of Lake Zhanybek-Shalkar, 11 kilometers east and slightly north of the village of Korgalzhyn, 12.5 kilometers southwest of the small village of Uyaly, 7.6 kilometers southeast of the village of Abay in the Korgalzhyn district of the Akmola region.
The mazar is made of mud bricks measuring 30 x 23 x 10 cm and 50 x 10 cm, the composition of which consists of sheep's milk, wool, horse hair and clay. Bespakir characterizes a peculiar type of mazars, allowed in the form of a sagan with a domed entrance.
A two-chamber composition of two oval in terms of volumes - the main one, in the form of a sagan with a diameter of 6.5 meters and a dome, above the entrance chamber with a diameter of 2.8 meters. The proportions of a small volume emphasize the smooth forms of the facade walls.
A low arched entrance on the east side leads to an oval chamber covered with a dome made of brick overlap. Along the axis of the portal there is a low arched opening into a round chamber in the form of a sagan, the height of the walls of which is 3 meters.
Legend of Bespakyr mazar.
The legend has been preserved among the people that the mazar Bespakyr was built in honor of five people who died during the national liberation war of 1837 - 1847 under the leadership of the last Khan of the Kazakhs, Kenesary Kasymov.
Geographical coordinates of mazar Bespakyr: N50°36'17.88" E70°10'17.54"
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