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Memorial house-museum of A. Baitursynov.

Walking through in museums of Almaty.
“If the main wealth for the people is health, then the main wealth for the soul is knowledge and art. It is only with their help that peoples find their place in civilization. The main thing now is to give knowledge to young people, to teach them a craft, a profession. To implement these tasks in the Kazakh steppe, it is necessary to open Kazakh schools everywhere, teach in the Kazakh language"
Akhmet Baitursynov.
Excursion to Baitursynov house-museum in Almaty.
Memorial house-museum of educator Akhmet Baitursynov is located at an altitude of 821 meters above sea level, located on Baitursynov Street, 60, between Zhambyl and Shevchenko Streets, 150 meters southwest of A. Baiturynov Square in Almalinsky District of Almaty.
“Even if we forget what Akhan did for us in art, education, politics, history will not forget him” - Mukhtar Auezov. After the rehabilitation of the figure Alash Orda in 1988, the house was recognized as a monument of history and architecture, and in 1993 a memorial house-museum was opened.
Akhmet Baitursynov lived in this house with the family of his daughter Sholpan in 1934-1936. The exposition of the museum occupies three rooms - the former dining room, the children's room, the office of the head of the family, the halls "Ulttyk ruhtyn uli tini" and "Kazakh sanasynyn shamshyragy".
In total, the museum has collected about 500 exhibits related to the life and work of the great figure. The two largest and brightest halls present originals and photocopies of documents and photographs telling about the Baitursynov family, his friends and like-minded people.
There are very few exhibits in the third room, small and dark, they tell about his arrest and execution. In June 1929, A. Baitursynov was arrested by the NKVD, was in prison in Kyzyl-Orda, then was exiled to the Arkhangelsk region.
In 1934, Ekaterina Peshkova (wife of Maxim Gorky) played an important role in the biography of Akhmet Baitursynov. At that time she worked in the commission of the Red Cross. Thanks to her petition, Baitursynov was released.
He reunited with his family. Together with already three foster children, he came to Alma-Ata. Until his death, A. Baitursynov lived in a house, which later received the status of a house-museum. October 8, 1937 was again arrested.
While in custody, he answered the question of the investigators: "My ideal is to raise the well-being and culture of the Kazakh people as high as possible, and since this good deed is at the beginning stage, I will bow my head to the power that will satisfy my desire."
Two months later, on December 8, 1938, he was shot by the NKVD troika as an enemy of the people. Officially, the Kazakh writer was amnestied only in 1988. After the rehabilitation of the figure Alash Orda in 1988, the house was recognized as a monument of history and architecture, and in 1993 a memorial house-museum was opened.
On November 10, 2010, a new State list of local historical and cultural monuments of the city of Almaty was approved, at the same time all previous decisions on this matter were declared invalid. In this Decree, the status of a monument of local importance to the building of the Baitursynov Museum was preserved.
The boundaries of the protected zones were approved in 2014. In 2021, the house-museum was returned to state ownership.
Geographical coordinates of house-museum of Akhmet Baitursynov: N43°14'46 E76°55'37
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.