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Merchant House in Astana.

Tourist sights in cities of Kazakhstan.
“Perhaps the most difficult and at the same time obligatory in architecture is simplicity. The simplicity of forms makes it necessary to give them excellent proportions and proportions that would communicate the necessary harmony.”
Alexey Viktorovich Schusev.
Tours from Astana to Shymkent.
Former merchant house built in 1846, one-story, wooden is located near the old city center at the intersection of Seifullin and Auezov streets. Starting from the middle of the XIX century, trade began to develop rapidly in Akmolinsk. As a rule, traders go to Akmolinsk for cattle.
Already in the 40s of the last century, merchants from the Vladimir province, Yekaterinoslav, Kypgan, Petropavlovsk settled here. In 1846, one of the representatives of the merchant class in Akmolinsk built a one-story house with a basement for the office to keep track of purchased goods.
In the twentieth century. it housed the kindergarten "Dawn". February 20, 1988, thirty years after the posthumous rehabilitation of Saken Seyfullin, by the order of the Council of Ministers of the Kazakh SSR, the museum of Saken Seyfullin opened in the building.
This is a repository of monuments of the history of material and spiritual culture related to his life and work, the museum’s funds number more than five thousand exhibits. Unique photographs, books, little-known documents, photographs and photocopies of archival materials, newspapers, personal belongings owned by Saken Seyfullin and his family.
The museum exposition is housed in six rooms. The museum has become one of the historical centers of Nur Sultan. 3 mass events, excursions, thematic traveling exhibitions are held here. The planning structure of the corridor type indicates the administrative purpose of the building.
The house is built of logs with a high hip roof with an attic. Repair and restoration work was carried out in 2008 and 2019, as a result of which the building acquired a new, lively, festive appearance.
Alexander Petrov.