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Mollakara health resort.

Resorts of Turkmenistan.
Near the railway station Dzhebel, in 24 kilometers from the city of Balkanabad in the Balkanabat velayat, is located sanatorium of Mollakara.
This place during the millennia concentrated in itself curative properties and already hundreds of years people knowing about properties of these places came behind healing here.
And today on the place of a curative source, gold sandy carpets the modern complex the called health resort of Mollakara grew.
The territory of health resort occupies about 33 hectares. Mollakara - one of the largest and in too time the most known health resort of Turkmenistan.
As health resort this place is known since 1922. A few years ago the health resort was still very small.
Now the health resort considerably extended. It was equipped with the modern equipment, the park zone appeared.
Now the health resort can accept in two more people, at the same time over 800 people.
To use these surprising curative properties many people come from abroad. Remedies - silt mud and a brine of the lake Mollakara.
Treatment of patients with diseases of bodies of the movement and a support, gynecologic, peripheral nervous system, diagnostics, etc.
There is in health resort a children's office on 30 places and the SPA-center.
On the bank of the lake which entered a resort complex the sunbed for recovery of health is equipped in the open air. In a word, vacationers can combine, as they say, business with pleasure, in Mollakar not only water and dirt, but also sand are curative.
Therefore here the development was gained treatment by hot sand of Kara Kum and hot stones. To use these surprising curative properties many people come from abroad. Remedies - silt mud and a brine of the lake Mollakara.
Treatment of patients with diseases of bodies of the movement and a support, gynecologic, peripheral nervous system, diagnostics, etc. Inhabited cases, hotel and of the resort differ in the high level of comfort.
The new resort complex included also the lake. On its coast the sunbed for recovery of health is equipped in the open air. And here vacationers can combine, as they say, business with pleasure, in Mollakara not only water and dirt, but also sand are curative.
Therefore here the development will be gained by such types as treatment by hot sand of Kara-Kum and treatment by hot stones. The new sanatorium is the creation which united in itself power of renewal of the nature and human mind, tradition of traditional medicine and achievement of modern medical science.
On materials of information department of the State committee of Turkmenistan on tourism and sport.