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Monument of Uraz Dzhandosov.

Jeep tour from Almaty to the Altyn-Emel park.
“In life there is always a place for a feat, but not always a place for a hero”
Konstantin Kushner.
Horseback riding near Almaty.
The bust and monument to Uraz Dzhandosov, erected at the intersection of the same street and Gagarin Avenue, perpetuates the memory of the great Kazakh and Central Asian revolutionary, who has been a member of the Communist Party since 1918.
The sculpture was discovered in 1969. A cast-iron monument, mounted on a 1.5-meter pedestal of gray granite, was designed by sculptor Zhuravlev and architect Suleimenov.
Uraz Kikimovich Dzhandosov Kaz. Oraz Қyygymuly Zhandosov was born on February 20, 1899 in the village of Lyubavinskaya (now the city of Kaskelen), Vernensk district, Semirechensk region, Turkestan region, party and statesman of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
People's Commissar of Education of the Kazakh SSR. Member of the Communist Party since 1918. Uraz Dzhandosov is considered one of the founders of the national construction of Soviet Kazakhstan, which had a noticeable impact on the content and dynamics of creative processes in the field of public education and national Kazakh culture.
Matveeva L.A. Monument to the "Warriors of Kazakhstan."
In the book: Monuments of history and culture of Almaty. The catalog of documents of the Office of Archives and Documentation and the Central Administration of the City of Almaty.-Almaty, Oner Publishing
ouse, 2003, p. 183
Vladimir Proskurin (Berlin)