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Monument of Yelebekov in Almaty.

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The monument to the singer and dombrist Zhusupbek Elebekov was erected opposite the Republican Circus and Variety College named after him at the corner of Bogenbai Batyr and Valikhanov Streets. It was opened on October 8, 2011.
Elebekov Zhusupbek (1904 - 1977) was born in the Egindybulaksky district of the Karaganda region on August 28, 1904. Zhusupbek Yelebekov lived a long creative life and, through his many-sided and talented activities, made an outstanding contribution to the history of Russian musical culture.
The school of traditional folk singing, whose unfading glory was created by Amre Kashaubaev, Kali Bayzhanov, Gabbas Aitpayev, Manarbek Yerzhanov, has a two-century history and covers most of Kazakhstan. Sometimes it is called Arkinskaya or Sary-Arkinskaya, because the Arch or Sary-Arka is the central, northern and eastern regions of the republic.
Arkinskaya song and singing tradition is the most numerous, authoritative. She is known for the number of songs, the number of authors of magnificent songs, and the way she is represented in the composer works of Kazakhstan in the 20th century.
It was the singer of this traditional school Amre Kashaubaev who first performed in Europe in the history of the musical culture of Kazakhstan in Europe and impressed the audience of the World Music Exhibition in Paris (1925) with his unusually high, strong and beautiful voice, his impeccable vocal skills.
Zhusupbek Yelebekov received the baton of the Arka tradition from the hands of the legendary Amre. According to the researcher of the work of leading Kazakh musicians, journalist M. Maichekin, Amre himself bequeathed to Zhusupbek Yelebekov his dombra with the words that he didn’t have to hear the singer of this tradition better than Zhusupbek.
Having received musical education from his uncle Zhakybek, a famous singer, he absorbed the richness and variety of the song tradition of the Arch from the famous people of its representatives Gabbas Aitpayev, Kali Baizhanov, Amre Kashaubaev, Isa Bayzakov.
Together with them, young Zhusupbek performed at fairs and evenings. Acting and musical talent, the voice of Zhusupbek were noticed, and in 1920-1922. he joined the drama troupe "Es-aimak" in Semipalatinsk, with which he participated in performances and concerts.
From 1931 to 1935 Zh. Yelebekov works as an artist of the Kazakh Drama Theater, where he not only shows himself as a singer, but also creates memorable images in theatrical and opera performances: Alibek in the musical comedy Ayman-Sholpan, Zhapal in Enlik-Kebek, Tulegen in the first Kazakh the opera Kyz-Zhibek.
Zhusupbek Elebekov’s creative predilections were determined in the continuation and development of the original professional singing tradition, namely in the performance of Kazakh classical songs in their own accompaniment on the dombra.
Therefore, the transition of J. Elebekov to the Philharmonic Society (1935 - 1960), and later to the Kazakh Concert (1960 - 1977) was completely natural. Already as a concert professional musician Zh. Yelebekov is gaining the unconditional recognition and love of the people.
The singer promoted the Kazakh classical art of singing both in the republic and abroad. He could be heard in the Kazakh Decades in Moscow (1936 and 1958), in China (1950, 1955), Mongolia (1960), India (1967), they were known in Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Karakalpakstan.
In the same capacity, Zhusupbek Yelebekov worked on the radio, a television movie was shot with his participation. A special and very important time for the life of the national singing tradition is the teaching of J. Yelebekov of folk singing in the Circus and Variety Studio (from 1967 to 1977).
t is thanks to the fact that the need for continuity, the complete transmission of the tradition of vocal and instrumental performance, was realized, the art of the Arka song in the works of Madeniet Eshekeyev, Zhanibek Karmenov, Kairat Baybosynov, the disciples of the great Zhusupbek, has been preserved and has survived to our time.
Zhusupbek Yelebekov’s repertoire included all the well-known and vibrant songs of Kazakh national professional authors Segiz-sere, Birzhan-sal, Ahan-sere, Madi, Ibrai, Estaya, Mayra, Zharylgapberdi. With these performances, he gave these songs a classically perfect and impeccable form.
A special place in the works of J. Elebekov is the song heritage of Abai. Zhusupbek was not only an excellent performer of the masterpieces of Abaev’s lyrics - “Tatyana’s Letter”, “Segiz Aiyak”, “Kazimnіn Karasi”, “Boyy bұlғaң”, “Ata-anaғa kaқ uuanysh”, but a conductor of his innovative musical and aesthetic ideas, and the meaning of the song, the music.
The art and talent of the great master were appreciated during the life of Zhusupbek Elebekov. He was awarded the country's highest awards at that time - the Order of Lenin and the Badge of Honor, and was awarded the honorary title of People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR, laureate of the State Prize of the Kazakh SSR.
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Kadyrov, B. Songs of Zhusipbek / B. Kadyrov do not age // Kazakhstanskaya Pravda. - 2004. - Nov 19.
Oryspaeva, M. Fate inspired by a song: People's Artist Zh.Elebekov / M.Oryspaeva // Industrial Karaganda. - 2003. - Oct 30.
Ryzhkova, N. Followers of Zhusupbek: IV regional competition of performers of Kazakh folk songs / N. Ryzhkova // Industrial. Karaganda. - 2003. - Nov 1.
Akhmetova S. Love, theater and cinema [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - 2016. - March 12. - Zagl. from the screen.
A rare voice of Zhusupbek Elebekov [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: - 2016 .-- December 21. - Zagl. from the screen.