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Mosque Aytbay in Kyzylorda.

Visiting of mosques Kyzylorda of area.
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Aytbay mosque is the oldest architectural monument in Kyzylorda. This religious building is well known to all residents and visitors. The mosque is located in the heart of Kyzylorda. It is one of the main attractions. The building of Aytbay mosque was built in 1878 for gathered expense of Perovsk residents (Kyzylorda). The major philanthropist and initiator of mosque construction was a rich merchant, native of Bukhara city - Aytbay Baltabaev.
He gave the amount of money. Subsequently, the mosque took his name. According to some reports, the construction began in 1875 and lasted for three years. The total cost of the mosque construction with a minaret eventually reached to 40,000 rubles (while it was a huge amount of money). Aytbay mosque became a real attraction for a small town Perovsk and pride of the citizens. It should be noted that Aytbay mosque is one of the few places, of which we know the name of masters and architects who created it.
The creators of the mosque became skilled craftsmen Aulieaty Iskan and Kamal. After construction Aytbay mosque could accommodate more than 500 worshipers. In addition to the building of the mosque was located Islamic madrasa and Muslim library. Group of architectures of the institute «Kazproektrestavratsiya» investigated the building of Aytbay mosque in 1980. Architectural plan of the building looks like a long rectangle with the size of 22 by 16 meters.
The walls were built of brick, and it was covered with iron roof. Facade of the mosque and minaret were decorated with curly brickwork. The interiors were plastered and whitewashed, the ceiling was painted. The building yard has adjacent buildings, which form together the general complex mosque. Inside the room was separated to the hall and the lobby that can accommodate up to 500 people. From the point of view of scientists, Aytbay mosque attracts scientific interest as architectural monument of Syrdarya.
Unfortunately, the building of the mosque does not save the original form. In Soviet times, the mosque had not been used as a religious institution. A branch of the Regional Museum housed it in the 70s. In 1982, the mosque building was included to the list of historical monuments and republican cultural values of Kazakhstan, and was taken under the supervision of the state. The minaret was built for the money of prayers and the building was thoroughly renovated in the late of XX century.
However, restoration was not benefited as a historical monument, as soon as the work was not consulted with experts of RSE "Kazrestavratsiya." Replaning of the mosque building, which produced in 2000, was criticized by restorers. According to their opinion, only facade is the ancient memorial. In fact, historical value was lost. The building was restored again for the expense of state funding in 2013. The work strictly carried out according to approved projects by specialists of "Kazrestavratsiya".
Only for the restoration of the mosque had spent more than 114 million tenge. The work included the restoration and enhancement of surface and underground structures of the building. Another lighter dome replaced the old massive dome. The metal fence updated and the minaret of the mosque restored. Aytabay mosque is one of the main attractions in Kyzylorda. Each visitor must walk near old walls and admire the Syrdarya towns’ architecture of the XIX century.
«Monuments of the Central Asia». The author of M. Khahsimov. Publishing house, Saga, 2001«Ancient Kazakhstan» Arias, Saki, Hun, Turkis.
Alexander Petrov
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