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Mount Besshoky on Mangistau.

Climbing Mount Besshoky in East Karatau mountains.
"Mountains are a place where you can exchange life for endless bliss."
Milarepa Shepa Dorje.
Highest peaks in Karatau mountains on Mangyshlak.
Mount Besshoky with a height of 556.1 meters above sea level is the highest peak on the Mangyshlak peninsula, located in the central part of the East Karatau ridge, 122 kilometers northeast of the city of Aktau, 10.4 kilometers east of the village of Ondy in the Mangistau region area of the same name.
The second highest peak on the Mangyshlak peninsula is the peak with a height of 552.4 meters above sea level, which is located in one ridge, 760 meters east of Besshoka. The third highest peak of Mangyshlak is Mount Otpan with a height of 532.7 meters above sea level, which is located in the eastern part of the Western Karatau ridge, 8.2 kilometers southeast of the village of Shayir, 22.1 kilometers northwest of the village Shetpe.
The eastern part of the Eastern Karatau is the most dominant rock massif, here at the greatest distance of 5 kilometers there are four peaks over 500 meters above sea level. Eastern Karatau has very steep slopes, almost vertical in places.
The slopes are heavily cut by deep ravines. 5 kilometers to the north-west, in the main ridge of the Eastern Karatau, there is the peak of Zhalpash, 530 meters above sea level. Besshoky Severnaya is located 1.6 kilometers northeast of Besshoky peak, 517.6 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Mount Besshoky: N44°04'17.82" E52°33'43.07"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.