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Mountaineering camp Tuyuk-Su.

Mountaineering in Kazakhstan.
"White all around,
Only snow and frozen stone.
Cold world - Not a trace, not a haze.
Drifting snow sweeps up snow before us,
And the hand freezes in a warm mitten.
Dawn freezes in the cold sky."
Srym Kuderin. "Across the glacier."
Tours in Zailiysky Alatau mountains.
"On the slopes of the Zailiysky Ala-Tau - the northern ridge of the Tien Shan mountains, on the territory of the Kazakh SSR, in the immediate vicinity of the capital of the republic, Alma-Ata - training mountaineering camps have been opened: "Tuyuk-Su" of the sports society "Lokomotiv" and the camp "Talgar" of the sports society "Metallurg".
Camp "Tuyuk-Su" of the sports society "Lokomotiv". The camp is located in the Malo-Almaatinsky gorge, 26 kilometers from Almaty. It is set up on a picturesque meadow surrounded by Tien Shan firs, at an altitude of 2,700 meters above sea level.
The turbulent mountain river Malaya Almaatinka flows past the camp, originating from the Tuyuk-Su glacier, located 5 kilometers from the camp. The camp offers a beautiful view of the mountain peaks, among which the rocky towers of Abay rise.
The Tuyuk-Su area, where the camp is located, is of great interest to both novice climbers and experienced climbers. There are a large number of peaks and passes of varying difficulty in the area. The Talgar, Abay, Pioner, Tuyuk-Su and Molodezhny passes are located a few hours' walk from the camp.
There is a small house on the moraine of the Tuyuk-Su glacier. It often serves as a mountain shelter for climbers. From the house it is convenient to climb a large number of peaks and cross the passes leading to the Ozernaya River valley and the Left Talgar valley.
Participants are accommodated in four-person stationary tents. The climbers have a library, a reading room, board games, and a radio at their disposal. There is a bathhouse. Postal address of the camp: City of Alma-Ata, post box 99, mountaineering camp "Tuyuk-Su" ("Lokomotiv").
Telegraph: Alma-Ata post box 99 Lokomotiv. Information about vouchers and consultation about the camp - in the Central Council of the sports society "Lokomotiv" (Moscow, Olkhovskaya street, 25. Telephone E 2-76-38 and E 2-76-60).
Mountaineering camps of the trade unions of the USSR."
The material was found and prepared for publication by Grigory Luchansky.
Kudinov B. Mountaineering camps of the USSR trade unions. Publishing house of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions Profizdat, 1949.
Tuyuk-Su mountaineering camp is located at an altitude of 2467 meters above sea level, 30 meters from left bank of Malaya Almatinka River, on northern slope of Zailiysky Alatau ridge in Medeu district of Almaty. The Tuyuksu mountaineering camp houses a training center for mountain rescuers and guides.
Anyone can take a 2-week mountain climbing course. Many who complete their climbs in the Zailiysky Alatau mountains are very popular and win sports medals. The Zailiysky Alatau region attracts not only professional climbers, but also fans of alpine skiing, downhill cycling, and snowboarding.
On the left bank of the Malaya Almatinka River there is a real street of trailers and simple structures for the accommodation of Almaty climbers, a metal bridge is built across the river. Here is the house of the veteran of Kazakh mountaineering Ural Usenov, Zinur Khalitov who died in the Himalayas while climbing the peak of Kanchenjunga in 1991.
Geographic coordinates of Tuyuk-Su mountaineering camp: N43°06'40 E77°04'27
"Dictionary-reference book of mountaineering, tourist and local history terms". Zhizdybaev T.K. Almaty, 2004, Alexander Petrov.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.