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Museum of Khudjand.

Excursions on museums of Khudjand.
Hisorical-study of local lore museum of archeology and fortification in Khudjand. Has been opened on November, 29th, 1986 in days of celebrating of the 2500 anniversary of Khudjand and works in structure of faculty of humanitarian researches at administration Khudjand of the state university as it. B.G.Gafurova.
He is located in premises of the part of east fortification Khudjand of a fortress restored in 1999 VIII - X c.c., which was a part fortification systems of city. Thick walls of a citadel from a brick have been strengthened by powerful towers.
The modern building of a museum simulates only external shape of a medieval fortress. The basic part of collection funds is made with archeologic collections and the finds received during works in territory of Khudjand of North-Tadjik archeologic complex expedition AN Tajikistan SSR in 1954 - 1986.
The collection fund of a museum totals about 1200 subjects, almost half from them is constantly exhibited. The exposition of a museum settles down in a hall the area about 150 square meters and tells about history and architectural features fortification constructions of Khudjand.
The exposition represents a life of the population of a fortress to the most various epoch, since the period of its construction in VI - V centuries BC. Up to the Arabian gain of Central Asia when Khudjand the fortress was considered as one of the most unapproachable in region.
The part of an exposition is devoted to medieval history of a fortress. She tells about culture and employment of city dwellers, representing samples of medieval ceramics and utensils, fragments of decorative elements of architectural constructions, glass products, tomb monuments with inscriptions.
Among masterpieces of museum assembly - saks a helmet, ceramics antique, Hellenes and the medieval periods. Numerous plans and maps of Khojend of various epoch are presented to expositions.
The small section of an exposition of a museum is devoted to history of studying of Khojend and participants of archeological excavations in its territory (A.L.Kunu, V.V.Bartold, M.E.Masson), and also to the researchers who have brought the contribution to creation of a museum.
In a museum regular sightseeing tours for schoolboys are spent. Visiting of a museum is included in the program of city actions on celebrating the state holidays of Tajikistan.
The address: Republic Tajikistan, Sogd province, Khudjand, street Tamburi, 4 Тел.: 992 342 639 04. The museum is opened: daily from 8.00 till . On Saturday and Sunday: from 9.00 till . A break for a dinner: from 12.00 till . An input paid.
The Tourist guidebook on monuments of Khudjanda. 2012.
Alexander Petrov.