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Museum of Mashkhur Kopeiuly.

Memorial museums of Kazakhstan.
"My name,
known far in the steppe.
I walked honestly
did not deviate from the path.
At birth
they named me Zhusup,
And among the people
known as Mashkhur-ata."
Mashkhur Kopeiuly.
History of memorial museums in Kazakhstan.
Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeiuly Museum is located at an altitude of 347 meters above sea level, located among numerous lakes in the Eskeldy valley, in the northern part of the Kazakh hills, in the Zhanazhol rural district, 15.6 kilometers to the north and a little east of the village of Zhanazhol, 15. 9 kilometers south and slightly west of the village of Beskauga, 46.6 kilometers southwest of the village of Sluzhon, in the Bayanaul district, in the southwest of the Pavlodar region.
History of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev Memorial Museum.
The memorial museum of the outstanding poet, publicist, ethnographer, educator, chronicler, collector of samples of oral literature Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev, was opened in 1977 in a room allocated to the then Zhanazhol secondary school (now the secondary school named after M. Zh. Kopeev).
Before this, the house-museum of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev was organized by Sharapiev’s grandson Toleubay and Great Patriotic War veteran Nagi Akhmetov, in which the poet’s personal belongings were collected in the house of Toleubay Sharapiev.
The museum that opened at the school featured photographs and biographies of war veterans, household items and crafts of the Kazakh people, as well as the period of formation of the village of Zhanazhol during the years of collectivization and the formation of state farms.
In 1981, the Zhanazhol rural House of Culture was built. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War Nagi Akhmetov, teacher of Kazakh language and literature Amangeldy Omarov and grandson of the poet Toleubay Sharapidenuly appealed to the director of the state farm with a request to allocate a spacious office in the village house of culture on the second floor of the new house of culture, as a result of which the museum was relocated to the house of culture.
In 1986, by decision of the board of the Ministry of Culture of the Kazakh SSR, the museum was given the name "People's Museum". In the same year, the Minister of Culture of the Kazakh SSR Uzbekali Zhanibekov, who visited the museum and the poet’s grave in the Eskeldy valley, announced that a new museum of oriental design would be built for the poet Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev.
Specialists from the Almaty Design Institute began designing. But with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the museum issue remains unresolved. The museum of the poet Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev and the mausoleum project, presented by Uzbekali Zhanibekov, went to the archives.
However, according to the project of the architect R. Naumov with the participation of the Agropromstroy trust, a new poet’s museum was commissioned in the village of Zhanazhol in 1993. Nagi Akhmetov and Sharapiev Toleubay made a great contribution to the collection of Mashkhur-Zhusup’s works and his things that he used during his life, preserved by relatives and people.
The design of the Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev Museum and the placement of exhibits contributed a lot to the artists of the regional museum of literature and art named after Bukhar Zhyrau B. Mashrapov, E. Maimakov, E. Samigullin, architect D. Mustafin, historian B. Kushimbekov.
Based on the available data and relics, they created wall exhibitions with quotes from the poems of Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev. The Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev Museum was headed from 1977 to 1987 by Amangeldy Omarov, from 1987 to 1989 by Daniyal Sharapiev, and from 1989 to 1992 by G. Sharapieva.
From the beginning of construction of the museum from 1992 to the present day, the manager has been Kazhymukan Pazylov, the grandson of the poet Mashkhur-Zhusup Kopeev. Due to the increase in attendance at the mausoleum of Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev from year to year, in 2016, at the expense of sponsorship funds, a 2-story hotel was built, which, after the decision was made, housed a museum, which was moved from the village of M.Zh. Kopeeva.
The museum was located on the 1st floor of a building with an area of 19 square meters. However, due to Due to difficulties with storing museum exhibits and a small area, a new museum building with an area of 240 square meters was built and put into operation using sponsorship funds in 2019.
The new building houses an exhibition hall with an area of more than 130 square meters, a co-working-style office where museum visitors can get acquainted with the works of the poet M.Zh. Kopeeva. Today the museum houses 785 exhibits. Of these, 611 exhibits make up the main fund and, like the book “Kok Kuran”, used by the poet’s father Kolzhasar since the XVIIIth century, the carpet in which the poet was carried out.
Korjun, who always carried with him the works of the poet, a bib, skull cap, trousers sewn by masters of the city of Bukhara, as well as valuable exhibits used by the family, and the works of the poet written in Arabic, Persian, Chagatai.
The museum is unique in that the poet’s descendants work there. Therefore, the museum gives visitors a great insight into the life and work of M.Zh. Kopeev from their first words. In 2019, the main fund of the museum was replenished with 28 exhibits.
Books of the Koran, works and new information about the poet M.Zh. Kopeev were confiscated from the portfolio kept in the family of the nephew of the poet Zholmurat Zhusupov, one of the first Mashkhuraveds.
In addition, in the coworking office there is a stand about the history of the creation of the poet’s museum. This stand provides detailed information about the personalities of the founder of the museum, the poet, photographs of the Great Patriotic War veteran Naga Akhmetov, the first director of the museum Amangeldy Omarov, member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Bota Mashrapov, poet, member of the Union of Writers of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Mashkhurovologist, Honorary Citizen of the Pavlodar Region and Bayanaul district Zekebay Soltanbaev, former director of the Zhanazhol State Farm, Honorary Citizen of the Pavlodar region and Bayanaul district Murat Rakhmetov, Tolepbergen propagandist Aldabergenov and Toleubay Mukhamed-Sharapidenuly.
The new concept of the museum, moved to a new building, was at one time approved by the regional akimat.
The museum is equipped with modern equipment and connected to the Internet. In the Memorial Museum of Akyn M.Zh. Kopeev, in accordance with the staffing schedule, there are 10 people working, of which 8 workers (museum caretaker, cleaner, fireman and security guard, 3 staff units each), a guide and the head of the museum.
Geographic coordinates of Mashkhur Kopeyuly Museum: N51°08'10 E74°56'22
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