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Myth of the valley Dzhety-Oguz.

Mountain tourist in Kyrgyzstan.
“I haven't finished revisiting Sleeping Beauty. As a faerie tale, that one is rife with inherent difficulties. After all, the world doesn't stop just because one person is asleep”
Anna Sheehan, A Long, Long Sleep.
FIT in Kyrgyzstan.
Legend of seven bulls of Dzhety-Oguz.
In ancient times in the mountain country there lived two notable and powerful khans, masters of numerous and rich tribes of Kazakhs. Once the greedy and angry khan kidnapped at the neighbor the beauty the wife. After it two the tribe began to argue and be at war among themselves. Clever people advised the angry khan:
- Your enemy demands that you returned him the wife, can execute his desire. Kill the woman, and give her corpse to the one who tries to obtain her return. That your enemy can answer, you executed his requirement. Your heart will be quiet because he will not be able to own the woman whom you will return it...
Council was pleasant to the greedy khan. To execute an evil plan, it suited a big funeral lunch in mountains. Many people gathered on a visit. Seven red bulls were killed to make funeral food. When the last, seventh bull was tumbled down and killed, the angry khan himself stuck a knife into the beloved's heart.
Hot blood scattered from a wound and sprinkled mountains, - till this time this blood on rocks is visible. Together with scarlet blood from a wound the boiling water rushed, the hot stream flooded the valley. In the boiling water guests and all numerous the tribe of the khan of the murderer died.
Stream waves far carried prepared for a funeral feast meat of red bulls. Therefore till this time this valley Dzhety-Oguz is called that on Kyrgyz means - the valley of Seven bulls.
(A legend of emergence of these rocks the oldest Russian writer Ivan Sergeyevich Sokolov - Mikitov who visited the Kyrgyz earth and heard it from nomads wrote down).
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.