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Naryn river.

Sights of Naryn River.
“The Naryn River flows south, southwest to the tip of low mountains running along the left bank, its valley is swampy and flat: after passing 8 versts, the road crosses the river, heads south, the terrain rises, hilly, consists of deep pits filled with bitter water, the ground is hard and brackish, then the road goes westward along a dry bed of a stream flowing from the above mountains. The left bank of the Naryn overlooks the valley of the Karasai River.
Valikhanov Shokan. Collected works, volume 3. Almaty, 1985.
Rafting on Naryn River in Kyrgyzstan.
Naryn River is formed from the confluence of the rivers: Karasai, Taragay, Ekurgen, Jamanechki, originating in the Inner Tien Shan from the Terskey Ala-Too, Akshiyrak, Jetim, Jetim-Bel, Borkoldoy ridges. The main components of the Naryn River - Kum-Tor, flows from the western glaciers of the Akshiyrak ridge - Petrov, Akbel, Lysy.
Glaciers descend to a height of 3730 meters above sea level (the height of Petrov Lake) and are powerful ice flows. The length of the Western Petrov glacier is 10 kilometers, the length of the Eastern Petrov glacier reaches 12.5 kilometers.
The river flows through the territories of Issyk-Kul, Naryn, Talas and Jalal-Abad regions of Republic of Kyrgyzstan and Namangan region of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The length of the river is 807 kilometers, the basin area is 59.1,000 square kilometers.
The average water flow is 429 cubic meters per second. The Naryn basin is elongated in the latitudinal direction. From the north, the basin is limited by the Terskey, Kyrgyz and Talas Ala-Too ridges, in the south by the Atbashi and Ferghana ridges.
The water flow at the confluence of the Big and Small Naryn is 90 cubic meters per second. After the confluence, the nature of the Naryn valley often changes - widened flat sections of the river are replaced by narrow canyons and gorges, in which rapids abound and very stormy currents.
The average flow of water at the mouth of the river is 480 cubic meters per second, the maximum flow is 2820 cubic meters per second, suspended sediments are 760 kg/s. In the upper reaches, the Naryn belongs to the glacier-snow fed rivers with a high summer flow characteristic of this type.
Downstream, due to a decrease in the height of the watershed and a change in feeding conditions, the intra-annual distribution of runoff is gradually changing. The Big Ferghana Canal starts from Naryn. High water from May to August. Maximum flow in June and July.
In the upper reaches the river freezes. The mineralization of water is 200 - 500 mg/l, it increases towards the mouth, especially during low water. In the upper reaches of the river there is the Naryn State Reserve with an area of 91023.5 hectares.
Taking a large number of tributaries, the main of which are the Atbashi, Alabuga - on the left, Kekdzherty and Kökemeren - on the right, the Naryn cuts through the Ferghana Range. Having entered the Fergana Valley, the Naryn loses the character of a mountain river and, flowing along its alluvial fan, breaks into branches and forms a pebble floodplain up to 3.5 kilometers wide.
Within the Ferghana Valley, the Naryn merges with the Karadarya and forms the Syrdarya river. The river has significant energy resources, it contains: Toktogul, Tash-Kumyr, Uchkurgan, Kurpsai, Shamaldysai HPPs, the Kambarata HPP-2 and the cascade of Upper Naryn HPPs with the corresponding reservoirs are being built.
On the banks of the river there are cities: Naryn, Tash-Kumyr, Uchkurgan. On the river is the Toktogul reservoir. In the upper reaches of the Naryn River there are extensive syrts. The syrts of the upper reaches of the Naryn River represent wide buried valleys partially filled with moraine and fluvioglacial deposits.
Numerous glacial boulders cover their surface; small lakes of moraine origin are often found. Numerous streams flow through the valleys, creating, due to permafrost, waterlogging of the soil in the lowest places. In general, the syrts of the upper reaches of the Naryn are wide, high-mountain (3600 - 3700 meters above sea level) valleys, with a slightly hilly relief, covered with rather juicy grassy vegetation, completely devoid of forests.
Geographical coordinates of Naryn River:
Sources of Naryn River.
The main channel of the Naryn river is formed from the rivers: Taragai and Kumtor. The Taragay basin consists of the following rivers: Kashka-Su, Arabel-Su, Ittysh, Kichi-Maytor, Maitor, Koturtor, Jetimbel, Choloktor, Sook.
Taragai river.
The Taragay River originates from the southern and southeastern slopes of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. The river gets the name Taragay at an altitude of 3425 meters above sea level after the confluence of the Kashka-Su and Maytor rivers.
The length of the river is 40 kilometers from the beginning of the confluence of the Kashka-Su and Maytor to the confluence of the right tributary of the Jamanechka. rom the beginning of its sources, the river receives 9 right tributaries, left - 4 tributaries, one of them is the largest - Kumtor.
The speed of the river flow is from 2 to 2.5 meters per second. The height difference on the river for 40 kilometers is 255 meters.
Geographical coordinates of Taragay river:
Kashka-Su river.
The Kashka-Su River originates on the southern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge at an altitude of 3881 meters above sea level from a cascade of lakes. The lakes are located south of the Kashka-Su pass, which is located in the main ridge of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge at an altitude of 3891 meters above sea level. In the upper reaches, the river flows through a cascade of lakes.
The length of the river Kashka-Su is 30 kilometers. At 8 km after the sources, the river on the left receives a small tributary, which starts from two low-water lakes. At 16 km, the river on the left receives a tributary that flows from a large lake located at an altitude of 3782 meters above sea level.
At the 20th kilometer, Kashka-Su receives a tributary on the left, which starts from a lake located at an altitude of 3627 meters above sea level. At 21 kilometers, the river crosses a road bridge, the road through which leads to the Kumtor mine. The long tributary Arabel-Su flows into the left for 24 kilometers.
Geographical coordinates of Kashka-Su River: N41°51'58.46" E78°04'54.45"
Arabel-Su river.
The Arabel-Su River, 41 kilometers long, originates at an altitude of 3,779 meters above sea level from a group of lakes called Dzhashyl-Kel, which are located in the Arabel valley. In turn, the Arabel valley is located between the southern slopes of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge and the northern slopes of the Sook and Jetim-Bel ridges on syrt formations.
The Arabel-Su river basin consists of three main tributaries - Koturtor, Ittysh and Kichi-Maytor. The sources of the river start from the south-east side of the Barskoon pass located at an altitude of 3754 meters above sea level.
Just below the pass is Lake Barskoon at an altitude of 3750 meters above sea level. The river passes Lake Barskoon and after 1.8 kilometers flows into Lake Dzhashyl-Kel West, located at an altitude of 3779.1 meters above sea level.
Just 200 meters to the south is the Central Lake Dzhashyl-Kel, located at an altitude of 3779.1 meters above sea level. After 5.5 kilometers, the river flows into the Jashyl-Kel South Lake, located at an altitude of 3752 meters above sea level.
The river bends around the Jetym-Bel ridge from the north, turns south and flows between the western slopes of the Akshiyrak ridge and the southeastern slopes of the Jetym-Bel ridge until it flows into the Taragai River.
At the 28th kilometer in Arabel-Su on the left, the Katurtor River flows into the river at an altitude of 3647 meters above sea level. At 35 km after the sources, the Ittysh River flows to the left and a little higher, the Kichi-Maitor River flows to the right.
Throughout its length, Kashka-Su receives 8 tributaries on the left, 15 tributaries on the right. The speed of the river flow is 1.1 - 1.2 meters per second.
Geographic coordinates of Arabel-Su River: N41°52'51.31" E77°53'20.16"
Ittysh river.
The Ittysh River, 17 kilometers long, originates from the southern slope of the Ittysh pass, located at an altitude of 3880.2 meters above sea level, which in turn is located in the main ridge of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge.
4 kilometers after the sources, the river receives a tributary on the left, which originates from the glaciers of the southern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. At 7 km after the sources, a tributary flows from the left, originating from the watershed spur between the Kumtor and Arabel-Su rivers.
At 14.5 km, the river receives a tributary on the left, which flows from a small lake located at an altitude of 3645 meters above sea level. At the 17th kilometer of the Ittysh River, it flows from the left into the Arabel-Su River.
Geographic coordinates of Ittysh River: N41°57'13.18" E78°01'46.31"
River Koturtor
The Koturtor River is the left tributary of Arabel-Su, 8.5 kilometers long, originates from the Koturtor glacier, 5.3 kilometers long, which is located on the southern slope of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. The beginning of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the ridge at an altitude of 4368 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier lies at an altitude of 3882 meters above sea level.
The mouth of the Koturtor River is located at an altitude of 3647 meters above sea level. The coturtor has 4 small tributaries on the right.
Geographical coordinates of river Koturtor: N41°55'24.48" E77°57'48.88"
River Kichi-Maytor
The Kichi-Maitor River, 8 kilometers long, is the right tributary of the Arabel Su River. The sources of the river are located on the northeastern slope of the Sook Range. The main channel of the river is formed from three tributaries: northern, central and southern at an altitude of 3894 meters above sea level.
The southern tributary flows from the moraine lake Kichi-Maytor located at an altitude of 4081 meters above sea level. The length of the lake is 288 meters, the largest width in the central part reaches 190 meters. The mouth of the Kichi-Maytor River is located at an altitude of 3625 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kichi-Maytor River: N41°52'15.20" E78°00'33.27"
Maitor river.
The Maitor River, 14.7 kilometers long, is the right tributary of the Taragay River. The sources of the river are located on the eastern slope of the Sook Range. The main channel of the river is formed from two small tributaries: northern and southern.
The southern tributary flows from the northern branch of the Maitor Yuzhny glacier. The length of the main glacier, which mostly lies on the southern slopes of the ridge, is 3.5 kilometers. The area of the glacier reaches 4.77 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 10.6 kilometers.
The length of the side branch of the glacier, from where the southern source of the Maytor River originates, is 1.9 kilometers, its area is 1.07 square kilometers, and its perimeter is 4.78 kilometers. There is a small moraine lake 600 meters below the glacier.
The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4573.2 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3999 meters above sea level.The main channel of the river flows out of the large Maitor Zapadny glacier, 2.9 kilometers long.
The area of the glacier is 5.57 square kilometers, the perimeter is 10.06 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4573.2 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3965 meters above sea level. The mouth of the Maitor River is located at an altitude of 3458 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Maytor River: N41°50'39.68" E78°03'10.95"
Jetimbel river.
The Jetimbel River, 6.9 kilometers long, is the right tributary of the Taragay River. The main sources of the Jetimbel River are located on the southern slope of the Jetimbel pass, 3993.8 meters above sea level. 180 meters below the pass there is a moraine lake with a length from south to north of 280 meters and a width of 125 meters.
The river is located on the southern exposition of the area - there are no glaciers in the sources of the river. The mouth of the Jetimbel River is located at an altitude of 3374 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Jetimbel River: N41°47'04.95" E77°56'16.33"
Choloktor river.
The Choloktor River, 14 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Taragay River, located on the southern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3478 meters above sea level.
There are no glaciers at the head of the river. To the west of the river is a swampy plateau with numerous small lakes. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3318 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Choloktor River: N41°41'30.26" E77°56'22.03"
Sook river.
The Sook River, 15.7 kilometers long, is the right tributary of the Taragay River, located on the southern slope of the Sook Range. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3563 meters above sea level from three tributaries.
The westernmost of them flows down from the southern slope of the Sook Pass, 4021 meters above sea level. There are no glaciers at the head of the river. The upper part of the sources is located at an altitude of 4573 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3307 meters above sea level.
Along the river, there is an automobile road connecting the syrts of the Inner Tien Shan with the Issyk-Kul valley, and a high-voltage power line. On the road A 364 you can get to the frontier outpost Karasai, the Uchkoshkon deposit and through the Ashu-Suu pass you can get to the Uzengegush river valley.
Geographic coordinates of Sook River: N41°44'34.80" E77°47'34.46"
Kyzylchesme River.
The Kyzylcheshme River, 26 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Taragai River, located on the southern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge. The upper part of the sources is located at an altitude of 4281 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3299 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kyzylchesme River: N41°39'16.68" E77°56'19.47"
Jamanechki river.
The Jamanechki River, 28 kilometers long, is the right and last tributary of the Taragay River after which it receives the name Naryn. The sources of the river are located between the northern slopes of the Jetim ridge and the southern slopes of the Jetim-Bel ridge.
On the left side, the river has 8 tributaries of the northern exposure Jetim-Bel. On the right side, the river receives 7 tributaries, one of which - Shorgosu - is a large southern exposition of Jetim. The northern main tributary originates from the Jamanechki glacier, 1.8 kilometers long, located in the side spur of a closed, deep circus.
The area of the glacier is 1.5 square kilometers, the perimeter is 4.94 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4425 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is at an altitude of 4055 meters above sea level.
On the western side in the spur there is a breakthrough through which water enters the upper reaches of the northern source. The southern source of the river originates from the northern slope of the Jamanechki pass, 3863.5 meters above sea level.
The second right tributary originates from the Jamanechki South glacier, 2.8 kilometers long, consisting of two branches, located on the southern slope of the Jetim ridge. he area of the glacier is 3.63 square kilometers, the perimeter is 12.31 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4469 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is at an altitude of 3831 meters above sea level. 3.7 kilometers to the mouth, on the right, the Dzhalgyzbulak tributary, 4.3 kilometers long, adjoins the Jamanechki, which also forms an extended ravine.
The mouth of Jlgyzbulak is located at an altitude of 3297 meters above sea level. 2.4 kilometers to the mouth, on the right, the Koturchap tributary, 3.4 kilometers long, adjoins Jamanechki, which forms an extended ravine. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3231 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Jamanechka River: N41°38'45.29" E77°42'28.75"
Shorgosu river.
Shorgosu River, 12.2 kilometers long, is the right tributary of the Jamanechka River. The river originates from the Shorgosu glacier, 1 km long, located in a side gorge on the northern slope of the Jetim ridge. The area of the glacier is 0.91 square kilometers, the perimeter is 4.9 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier is at an altitude of 4384 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is at an altitude of 3957 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Shorgosu River: N41°39'18.92" E77°39'09.49"
Ekurgen river.
The Ekurgen River, 19.7 kilometers long, is the right tributary of the Taragay River, located on the southern slope of the Sook Range. The river mostly flows along the northern side of the Taragay valley. The source of the river is located on the southern slope of the Sarytor pass located at an altitude of 4050 meters above sea level in the main ridge of the Sook ridge.
For 4 kilometers from the pass to the confluence with Lake Ekurgen-Kel, located at an altitude of 3628.5 meters above sea level, the river is called Sarytor. The remaining distance to the mouth of the river flows under the name of Ekurgen.
3.5 kilometers after Lake Ekurgen-Kel, on the left, the tributary Sarytor Zapadny flows into Ekurgen, 11.4 kilometers long. Before the formation of the main channel, the river has 7 tributaries. The sources of the tributary originate from the Sarytor North and Sarytor West glaciers located on the southern slope of the Jetim-Bel ridge.
The Sarytor Severny glacier is 1.5 kilometers long. The area of the glacier is 0.73 square kilometers, the perimeter is 4.09 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is at an altitude of 4341 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is at an altitude of 4193 meters above sea level.
Glacier Sarytor West with a length of 2.28 kilometers. The area of the glacier is 1.78 square kilometers, the perimeter is 5.91 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4498 meters above sea level, the tongue of the glacier is at an altitude of 4040 meters above sea level.
The mouth of the Ekurgen River is located at an altitude of 3249 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Ekurgen River: N41°39'51.89" E77°43'57.27"
Kumtor river.
Kumtor River basin consists of the main full-flowing rivers: left tributaries - Akbel, Bordu, Bordu South, Bordu North, Sarytor South, Sarytor North, right tributaries - the Arabel River. The sources of the Kumtor River, 32.5 kilometers long, are located on the western slope of the ridge Akshiyrak.
The river receives its main source from Lake Petrov, located at an altitude of 3730 meters above sea level. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3625 meters above sea level, almost 9 kilometers west of Petrov Lake, at the confluence of the Arabel River on the right.
The lake is filled from two glaciers: Western Petrov with a length of 11 kilometers and Eastern Petrov with a length of 13.6 kilometers. The top point of the Western Petrov glacier is located in the main ridge of the Akshiyrak ridge at an altitude of 4916 meters above sea level.
The top point of the Vostochny Petrov glacier is located in the main ridge of the Akshiyrak ridge at an altitude of 5100 meters above sea level. At 4 km after the sources, the river on the left receives a tributary Lysy, which flows from the glacier of the same name.
At 9 km after the sources, the river flows through the economic part of the Kumtor mine. At the 13th kilometer, the Sarytor tributary flows into the river on the left, which originates from two glaciers: Western Sarytor with a length of 3.9 kilometers and Sarytor East with a length of 3.6 kilometers.
At 18 km after the sources, Kumtor receives the Bordu North tributary from the right, at 24 km the river receives the Bordu South tributary from the left, and here the Akbel tributary adjoins. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3346.3 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Kumtor River: N41°47'36.84" E78°02'36.96"
Arabel river.
The Arabel River, 20 kilometers long, originates from the southern slopes of the Dzhukuchak pass, 4042 meters above sea level. The Dzhukuchak pass is located in the central ridge of the Terskey Ala-Too ridge. At 6.5 kilometers after the source, the river flows into Lake Dzhukuchak, located at an altitude of 3766.3 meters above sea level.
The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3618 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Arabek river:
River Sarytor North.
The Sarytor Severny River, 6.7 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Kumtor River. The sources of the Sarytor Severny River originate from the Sarytor Vostochny glacier, 3.6 kilometers long, located on the northeastern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge.
The area of the glacier is 3.55 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 10 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is closed by the top of the SNK of Kyrgyzstan with a height of 4946.9 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4022 meters above sea level. It should be noted that the glacier is located on the territory of the Kumtor gold deposit. The lower part of the glacier has been damaged by mining, the riverbed has been shifted more than 500 meters to the southwest.
Geographical coordinates of river Sarytor Severny: N41°52'13.09" E78°09'06.92"
River Sarytor South.
The Sarytor South River, 5.1 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Kumtor River. The sources of Sarytor South, originate from the Sarytor West glacier, 3.9 kilometers long, located on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge.
The area of the glacier is 2.91 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 9.52 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is closed by the top of the SNK of Kyrgyzstan with a height of 4946.9 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3948 meters above sea level. It should be noted that the glacier is located on the territory of the Kumtor gold deposit. The lower part of the glacier has been damaged by mine development.
Geographical coordinates of river Sarytor South: N41°51'24.42" E78°08'43.98"
River Bordu North.
The Bordu North River, 6.4 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Kumtor River. The sources of the Bordu North River originate from the Bordu North Glacier, 4.1 kilometers long, located on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge.
The area of the glacier is 4.86 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 10.75 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4786 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3888 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of North Bordu River: N41°50'04.44" E78°07'26.21"
River Bordu South.
Bordu South River, 8.5 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Kumtor River. The sources of the Bordu South River originate from three glaciers: Akbel East, Akbel Central and Akbel West. The Akbel Vostochny glacier, 4.6 kilometers long, is located on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge.
The area of the glacier is 2.39 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 8.94 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4768 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3840 meters above sea level.
The Akbel Central glacier, 4.5 kilometers long, is located on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge. The area of the glacier is 4.57 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 10.55 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4713 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3847 meters above sea level. The Akbel West glacier, 3.1 kilometers long, is located on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge. The area of the glacier is 1.98 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 7.24 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4713 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3893 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of South Bordu River: N41°50'04.44" E78°07'26.21"
Akbel river.
The Akbel River, 11.1 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Kumtor River. After 6.1 kilometers from the sources, the formation of the main riverbed takes place. The sources of the river have an extensive, complex hydrographic network, consisting of 7 tributaries.
The sources of the Akbel River originate from the Akbel glacier, 2 kilometers long, located on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge. The area of the glacier is 2.6 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 10.36 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4467 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4033 meters above sea level. The second nameless glacier is located between the Akbel glacier and the Akbel pass, 3833 meters above sea level, on the northwestern slope of the Akshiyrak ridge.
The area of the glacier is 3.41 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 10.4 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4498 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3937 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Akbel River: N41°46'08.93" E78°05'05.38"
Karasai river.
Karasai river basin consists of the following rivers: right tributaries - Kyrkoo-Su, Kyrgakkor, Kyrkol, Kundai, Achiktashtor, Tarasu, left tributaries - Egiztor, Ashu-Su, Kentor, Cholkotor, Sarytor. 5.7 kilometers after the formation of the main channel of the Naryn River (flowing to the right of the Jamanechka tributary), the Karasai River, 57 kilometers long, flows to the left.
The Karasai River originates on the southern slopes of the Ak-Shyirak ridge from the largest Karasai glacier. The length of the glacier is 9.1 kilometers, the area reaches 36 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 44 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4665 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3871 meters above sea level. 500 meters below the tongue of the glacier, at an altitude of 3790 meters above sea level, there is a moraine lake Karasai.
The length of the lake is 1.9 kilometers, the largest width in the central part reaches 480 meters. The area of Lake Karasai is 0.97 square kilometers, the perimeter of the lake is 5.83 kilometers. The Karasai River flows out of the southeastern part of the lake.
On the eastern slope of the spur, in the western part of the lake, there is the eastern Akbel glacier, 3.1 kilometers long. From the western slope of the southeastern spur of the Ak-Shyirak ridge, east of Lake Karasai on the left, Karasai receives a tributary that originates from the East Karasai glacier with a length of 6.1 kilometers.
The area of the Karasai East glacier is 8.17 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 17.57 kilometers. The upper limit of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4983 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3871 meters above sea level.
From the western slope of the Koendy pass, 4327 meters above sea level, a tributary flows down to the Karasai on the left, which originates from the Koendy glacier, 2.5 kilometers long. The area of the Koendy glacier is 2.58 square kilometers, the perimeter is 6.6 kilometers.
South-west of Lake Pater-Bashik, the valley of the Karasai River expands and for 27 kilometers the river slowly flows until it flows into the Naryn River. In the lower reaches, the river receives tributaries from the left, from the northern slopes of the Borkoldoy ridge.
In the Karasai valley, to the west of the Karasai border outpost, due to the flat terrain, the Karasai River branches into numerous channels and flows into the Naryn River in two branches. In the middle part of the Karasai River, southwest of the Karageru valley, there is a closed lake Pater-Bashik, located at an altitude of 3598 meters above sea level.
The length of Lake Pater-Bashtk from southwest to northeast is 2.4 kilometers, the width of the lake in the eastern part is 750 meters. The area of the lake is 1.15 square kilometers, the perimeter is 5.63 kilometers, the catchment area is 8.2 square kilometers, and the depth is 4 meters.
Geographical coordinates of the Karasai River: N41°42'16.47" E78°10'10.01"
Right tributaries of Karasay River.
Kyrkoo-Su river.
Kyrkoo-Su river basin includes: Kurgakkoo, Kyrkoo rivers. At 51 kilometers after the sources, the Kyrkoo-Su tributary, 21 kilometers long, flows into Karasai on the right. The main channel of the Kyrkoo-Su River is formed at an altitude of 3353.7 meters above sea level.
The sources of the river are located on the northern slopes of the Beletek pass located at an altitude of 3735.9 meters above sea level and on the northern slopes of Mount Kurgakkoo with a height of 3805.9 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3285 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of the Kyrkoo-Su River: N41°35'58.12" E77°49'57.52"
Kirkoo river.
At the 12th kilometer after the beginning of the headwaters, a tributary of the Kyrkoo with a length of 12 kilometers flows into the Kyrkoo-Su River. The sources of the river are located on the northern slopes of the Beletek pass located at an altitude of 3735.9 meters above sea level and from the northern slopes of Mount Kurgakkoo with a height of 3805.9 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3353.7 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kirkoo River: N41°38'29.18" E77°52'10.38"
Kurgakkoo river.
At the 12th kilometer after the beginning of the sources, the Kurgakoo tributary, 6.7 kilometers long, flows into the Kyrkoo-Su River. The sources of the river are located on the northern slopes of Mount Kurgakkoo with a height of 3805.9 meters above sea level and on the western slopes of an unnamed peak with a height of 3787.5 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3353.7 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Kuurgakkoo River: N41°37'14.36" E77°51'41.96"
River Kundai.
At 41 kilometers after the sources, the Kundai tributary, 15.5 kilometers long, flows into the Karasai from the right. On the right, the river has 8 tributaries originating from the southern slopes of the Ak-Shyirak ridge.
On the left, only one tributary flows into the Kundai. The sources of the Kundai River are located on the southern slope of the Bel Pass, 2714 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3334 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kundai River: N41°36'00.89" E77°57'59.54"
Achiktash-Tor river.
At 18 kilometers, a tributary of Achiktash-Tor with a length of 13.2 kilometers flows into Karasai on the right. The western sources of the river are located on the southern slope of the Ak-Shyirak ridge, the eastern sources of the river are located on the southern slope of the Akbel pass, 3833 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3565 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Achiktash-Tor River: N41°42'50.62" E78°03'52.21"
Tarasu river.
At 4 kilometers after the sources of the Achiktash-Tor River, a tributary of the Taras with a length of 5.7 kilometers flows from the right. The origins of the Tarasu River are located on the northern slope of a mountain 4281 meters high above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3702 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Tarasu River: N41°41'26.87" E78°03'19.32"
Left tributaries of Karasay River.
River Kakty-Bulak.
At the 56th kilometer after the sources, the tributary Kakty-Bulak, 8.1 kilometers long, flows into the Karasai from the left. The sources of the river are located at an altitude of 4182.1 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river, located in the Sarykoo tract, is located at an altitude of 3199 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of river Kakty-Bulak: N41°31'14.05" E77°42'40.72"
Тuyuk-Chakyr-Korum river.
Tuyuk-Chakyr-Korum river basin includes: the Aktash and Uzengikush-Tuyuk rivers. At 43 km after the sources, the tributary Tuyuk-Chakyr-Korum with a length of 5 km flows into Karasai from the left. At an altitude of 3396.1 meters above sea level, the main channel of the river is formed and after that it receives the name Tuyuk-Chakyr-Korum. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3306 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Tuyuk-Chakyr-Korum River: N41°32'11.29" E77°51'43.59"
Uzengikush-Tuyuk river.
Uzengikush-Tuyuk River, 17.5 kilometers long, is the main tributary of the Tuyuk-Chakyr-Korum River. The river takes its sources from the Uzengi-Kush-Tuyuk glacier with a length of 5.3 kilometers, located on the northern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge.
The area of the glacier is 4.67 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 16.57 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4872 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3945 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of river Uzengikush-Tuyuk: N41°26'11.35" E77°46'48.50"
Aktash river.
At the 7th kilometer from the beginning of the headwaters of the Tuyuk-Chakyr-Korum River, the Aktash tributary, 2.2 kilometers long, flows in from the right. The sources of the river start from the glaciers Aktash West and Aktash East, located on the northern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge.
Aktash Western glacier is 2.8 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 0.83 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 4.07 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4510 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4054 meters above sea level. Aktash East glacier is 2.4 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 0.95 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 5.37 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4510 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3995 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Aktash River: N41°26'32.89" E77°48'03.58"
Sarytor river.
Sarytor river basin includes the following rivers: Choloktor, Kentor, Ashu-Su. The length of the Sarytor River is 16.4 kilometers, it is the left tributary of the Karasai River. In the upper part there are three sources, which originate from minor glaciers located on the northern slope of the Sarytor gorge.
In the middle part, the river receives left and right tributaries. The left tributary, 7.4 kilometers long, originates from the Sarytor Severny glacier, 2 kilometers long. The area of the glacier is 1.20 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 6.38 kilometers.
The upper part of the glacier feeding area is located at an altitude of 4618.7 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3821 meters above sea level. In the southeast of the Sarytor Severny glacier, there is another small glacier Sarytor Severny with a length of 1 kilometer.
The area of the glacier is 1.39 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 6.59 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier feeding area is located at an altitude of 4424 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3894 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3368 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Sarytor River: N41°31'33.65" E78°02'57.92"
River Kentor.
At the 9th kilometer after the sources, the Kentor tributary, 6.2 kilometers long, flows into the Sarytor River on the left. The sources of the river originate from the northeastern slope of the Teshik pass, 4121.7 meters above sea level.
At 800 meters to the northeast is the dominant peak of the spur, 4360.7 meters above sea level, located on the northern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge. The river is formed from three tributaries. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3462 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Kentor River: N41°31'00.69" E77°58'39.04"
Choloktor river.
8.5 kilometers after the source, the tributary Choloktor, 5.3 kilometers long, flows into the Sarytor River from the left. The sources of the river originate from the northwestern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge at an altitude of 4190 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3469 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Choloktor River: N41°30'31.54" E77°59'48.26"
Ashu-Su river.
At the 8th kilometer after the sources, the tributary Ashu-Su, 9.4 kilometers long, flows into the Sarytor River on the left. The northern sources of the river originate from 8 small streams of the northern slopes of the main ridge of the Borkoldoy ridge located at an altitude of 4543 meters above sea level.
Small firn formations are also located here, which give the sources of Ashu-Su. At 800 meters to the northeast is the dominant peak of the spur, 4360.7 meters above sea level, located on the northern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge.
The main channel of the northern sources is formed at an altitude of 3644 meters above sea level. The western sources of the Ashu-Su river originate from the northeastern slope of the Ashu-Su pass located at an altitude of 3886 meters above sea level.
The western sources are formed from two tributaries at an altitude of 3545 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3488 meters above sea level. A motor road was laid through the Ashu-Su pass from the Karasai border outpost to the Kichi-Uzengegush gorge, which leads to the gorge of the Uzengegush river.
Geographic coordinates of the Ashu-Su River: N41°28'54.98" E78°00'42.20"
Egiztor river.
n the 28th kilometer after the sources, the Egiztor tributary, 10 kilometers long, flows into the Karasai from the left. At 5.1 km, the Egiztor River receives a tributary on the right, 4 km long, originating from a closed circus framed by rocks.
There are no glaciers in the circus. The sources of the river are located at an altitude of 4161 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3486 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of river Egiztor: N41°34'34.64" E78°04'09.51"
Chakyr-Korum river.
Chakyr-Korum river basin consists of the following main rivers: Kuldzhator, Jagalmai, Turator, Koltor, Ayutor, Echkitor, Joolzhurek-Su, Kichinetor, Chontor, Chon-Kara-Su, Karabdur. 8.5 kilometers after the formation of the main channel of the Naryn River, a tributary of the Chakyr-Korum with a length of 36 kilometers flows from the left.
The Jagalmay River, being the main tributary, flows for 10.7 kilometers, and after the confluence of the Kuldzhator tributary on the left, it receives the name Chakyr-Korum. The river originates from the northwestern spur of the Borkoldoy ridge. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3170 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of river: N41°28'24.53" E77°37'29.84"
River Kuljator.
After 8.8 kilometers from the beginning of the sources of the Chakyr-Korum, a tributary of Kuldzhator with a length of 4.1 kilometers flows from the left. The sources of the Kuljator River originate from the southeast side of the dominant Kuljator peak, 4558.5 meters above sea level. There are no glaciers in the northwestern spur of the Borkoldoy Range. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3667 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kul'dzhator River: N41°26'16.50" E77°28'44.59"
Jaglamay river.
The length of the Jagalmay River is 10.7 kilometers; it is one of the main and full-flowing tributaries of the Chakyr-Korum River, which originates from the northwestern spur of the Borkoldoy Range. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3752 meters above sea level from two tributaries - northern and southern.
Before the confluence of the Kuljator on the left, the river receives one more tributary on the right and on the left. In the upper reaches of the Jagalmay gorge, on the northern slopes, there are small glaciers, from where the river receives its food.
Among them, the Jagalmay glacier is 1.7 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 2.47 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 7.56 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4472.8 meters above sea level. The tongue of the Jagalmay glacier is located at an altitude of 3964 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3559 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Jagalmay River: N41°25'07.25" E77°27'37.96"
Turator river.
After 16.1 kilometers from the beginning of the sources of the Chakyr-Korum, a tributary of the Turator with a length of 6.8 kilometers flows from the right. The Turator River originates from the northern slopes of the spur of the Borkoldoy Ridge. In the upper reaches of the Turator gorge, on the northern slope, there are two small glaciers, from where the river is fed.
Among them, the Turator Vostochny glacier is 2.8 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 4.65 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 11.25 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4655 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the Jagalmay glacier is located at an altitude of 3995 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3557 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Turator River: N41°25'43.12" E77°32'26.52"
River Koltor.
After 17.8 kilometers from the beginning of the sources of the Chakyr-Korum, the Koltor tributary, 5.4 kilometers long, flows in from the right. The Koltor River originates from the northern slopes of the spur of the Borkoldoy Range. In the upper reaches of the Turator gorge on the northern slope, there are two glaciers - Koltor East and Koltor West.
The Koltor Wast glacier is 3 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 1.97 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 7.5 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4789.4 meters above sea level. The tongue of the Koltor East glacier is located at an altitude of 3954 meters above sea level.
The Koltor West glacier is 3 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 3 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 7.78 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4789.4 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the Koltor West glacier is located at an altitude of 3885 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3520 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Koltor River: N41°26'24.12" E77°35'00.09"
River Ayutor.
After 19.6 kilometers from the beginning of the sources of the Chakyr-Korum, the Ayutor tributary, 6.1 kilometers long, flows from the right. The Ayutor River originates from the northern slopes of the spur of the Borkoldoy ridge. In the upper reaches of the Ayutor gorge, on the northern slope, there is the Ayutor glacier.
The Ayutor glacier is 3 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 2.92 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 12.5 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4761 meters above sea level. The tongue of the Koltor East glacier is located at an altitude of 3928 meters above sea level.
The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3459 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Ayutor River: N41°26'23.35" E77°36'22.38"
Echkitor stream.
After 20.3 kilometers from the beginning of the sources of the Chakyr-Korum, a small tributary of the Echkitor, 1.6 kilometers long, flows to the right. The Echkitor stream originates from the northern slope of the Chakyr-Korum gorge. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3443 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Echkitor stream: N41°27'18.02" E77°36'51.40"
Joolzhurek-Su river.
After 21.8 kilometers from the beginning of the sources, a tributary of the Joolzhurek-Su with a length of 6.4 kilometers flows into the Chakyr-Korum from the left. The Joolzhurek-Su river originates from the southern slope of the Chakyr-Korum gorge at an altitude of 4732 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3435 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Joolzhurek-Su River: N41°27'51.24" E77°35'34.42"
River Kichinetor.
After 21.8 kilometers from the beginning of the sources, the tributary Kichinetor, 3.8 kilometers long, flows into the Chakyr-Korum on the right. The Kichinetor River originates from the northern slope of the Chakyr-Korum gorge at an altitude of 4286.6 meters above sea level.
In the upper reaches of the gorge there is a small glacier Kichinetor with a length of 1.1 kilometers, the area of the glacier is 0.43 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 2.54 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4732 meters above sea level. The tongue of the Koltor East glacier is located at an altitude of 4083 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3435 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kichinetor River: N41°27'35.28" E77°37'48.90"
Chontor river.
After 23.9 kilometers from the beginning of the sources, the Chontor tributary, 9.5 kilometers long, flows into the Chakyr-Korum on the right. The Chontor River originates from the northern slope of the Chakyr-Korum gorge. In the upper reaches of the Chontor gorge on the northern slope there are two glaciers - Chontor East and Chontor West.
The Chontor East glacier is 3.9 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 2.12 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 8.99 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4665 meters above sea level. The tongue of the Koltor East glacier is located at an altitude of 3991 meters above sea level.
The Chontor Western glacier is 4 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 3.64 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier reaches 11.88 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4885 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the Koltor Western glacier is located at an altitude of 3970 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3405 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Chontor River: N41°26'04.37" E77°39'30.22"
Chon-Kara-Su river.
Chon-Kara-Su river basin consists of two rivers - Kara-Su and Karabdur. After 28.7 kilometers from the beginning of the sources of the Chakyr-Korum, a tributary of the Chon-Kara-Su with a length of 9 kilometers flows from the right.
The sources of the river are located at an altitude of 4182.1 meters above sea level on the western slope of the northwestern spur of the Borkoldoy ridge. There are no glaciers in the Chon-Karasu-Su gorge. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3317 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Chon-Kara-Su River: N41°28'42.76" E77°43'49.77"
Kara-Su river.
Kara-Su River, 9.1 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Chon-Kara-Su River. The river bed is formed in the upper reaches of three tributaries. The eastern tributary of the Kara-Su originates at an altitude of 4841 meters above sea level from the Kara-Su East glacier with a length of 3.4 kilometers.
The area of the glacier is 1.68 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 7.12 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier feeding area is located at an altitude of 4841 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3946 meters above sea level.
The remaining two sources originate from an intermediate spur at an altitude of 4710 meters above sea level in the interfluve of Kara-Su and Chon-Kara-Su from two narrow gorges in the upper part, which are located minor glaciers. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3314 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Kara-Su River: N41°27'44.48" E77°43'44.54"
Karabdur river.
Karabdur River, 5.5 kilometers long, is the left tributary of the Chon-Kara-Su River. The river receives its sources from two small glaciers located on the northern slope of the Chakyr-Korum gorge - Eastern and Western Karabdur.
The length of the Karabdur Vostochny glacier is 1.9 kilometers, the area of the glacier is 0.94 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 5.16 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier feeding area is located at an altitude of 4869 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3985 meters above sea level.
The length of the Karabdur West glacier is 880 meters, the area of the glacier is 0.37 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 2.35 kilometers. The upper part of the glacier feeding area is located at an altitude of 4869 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4171 meters above sea level.
The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3392 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Karabdur River: N41°27'38.40" E77°41'38.14"
From the mouth of the Chakyr-Korum to the left tributary of the Karakol into the Naryn, 13 unnamed tributaries flow from the left, one of which has the name Aksai.
Aigyrbulak river.
15 kilometers after the formation of the main channel of the Naryn, the Aigyrbulak tributary with a length of 16.2 kilometers flows from the right. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3498 meters above sea level from 4 tributaries. The main, more full-flowing tributaries originate from the southwestern slopes of the Jetim Range.
The sources are located at an altitude of 4332 meters above sea level. One tributary, the most western, originates from a spring located in the Kulchuk tract on the south side of Lake Sary-Kol, located at an altitude of 3477.1 meters above sea level. 4.5 kilometers before the confluence with the Naryn, a tributary flows from the right side at an altitude of 3386 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 31133 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Aigyrbulak River: N41°35'49.59" E77°37'24.26"
Choloctor stream.
23.5 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a small tributary of the Choloktor flows to the right, sometimes drying up, with a length of 13.4 kilometers. The sources of the stream are located on the southern slopes of the Jetim Range. The mouth of the stream is located in the tract Taragay located at an altitude of 3077 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Choloktor River: N41°33'54.41" E77°32'33.60"
Dzhilubulak stream.
fter 26.4 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn River, a small tributary Dzhilubulak flows in from the right, sometimes drying up with a length of 8.4 kilometers. The sources of the stream are located on the southern slopes of the Jetim Range. The mouth of the stream is located in the tract Taragai, located at an altitude of 3094 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Djilubulak River: N41°32'57.06" E77°31'33.50"
Aksai river.
26 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, the Aksai tributary, 5.8 kilometers long, flows from the left. The sources of the stream are located on the northern slopes of the northwestern spur of the Borkoldoy ridge. The mouth of the stream is located in the tract Taragai, at an altitude of 3085 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Aksai River: N41°29'30.50" E77°30'18.14"
Uzun-Turke river.
26.7 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a tributary of the Uzun-Turuk with a length of 15.2 kilometers flows to the right. Passing 5 kilometers after the start, at an altitude of 3456 meters above sea level, the river forms the main channel of 5 branched tributaries.
There are no glaciers in the upper reaches of the sources of the river, given the southern exposure of the slope of the Jetim ridge. The sources of the river are located in the main ridge of the ridge at an altitude of 4377 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3072 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Uzun-Turke River: N41°34'15.65" E77°29'44.24"
Kara-Chunkur river.
38 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a tributary of the Kara-Chunkur with a length of 10.6 kilometers flows in from the right. In the upper reaches of the river there is a small glacier Kara-Chunkur with a length of 1.6 kilometers, the area of the glacier is 0.99 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 4.88 kilometers.
The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the Jetim Range at an altitude of 4846 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4100 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3052 meters above sea level
Geographic coordinates of Kara-Chunkur River: N41°32'33.11" E77°26'46.42"
Chon-Korumdy river.
After 40.7 kilometers of the headwaters of the Naryn, a tributary of the Chon-Korumdy with a length of 13.8 kilometers flows from the right. In the upper reaches of the river there is a small glacier Chon-Korumdy with a length of 2.4 kilometers, the area of the glacier is 1.66 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 6.69 kilometers.
The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the Jetim ridge on the eastern slope of the dominant Chon-Korumdy peak, 4896.9 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4093 meters above sea level.
On the moraine, below the tongue of the glacier, there are three moraine lakes. In the upper reaches of the southwestern tributary, at an altitude of 4183 meters above sea level, there is a moraine lake with an interesting configuration. The lake looks like an arrowhead with a sharp end pointing south. The mouth of the Chon-Korumdy River is located at an altitude of 3028 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Chon-Korumdy River: N41°31'43.87" E77°22'16.54"
River Kichi-Korumdy.
40.7 kilometers after the formation of the main channel of the Naryn, a tributary of the Kichi-Korumdy with a length of 10.2 kilometers flows from the right. In the upper reaches of the river there is a small glacier Kichi-Korumdy with a length of 1.2 kilometers, the area of the glacier is 0.57 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 3.13 kilometers.
The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge, on the southern slope of the Jetim ridge at an altitude of 4542 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4242 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3027 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kichi-Korumdy River: N41°31'46.07" E77°21'16.13"
Karakol river.
The Karakol river basin is located on the northern slopes of the Borkoldoy ridge and consists of the following rivers: Jagalmai East, Chakyr-Korum West, Kara-Chukur, Dzhangdzhir, Kichi-Atjalau, At-Dzhailau, Karakolot, Kekdzhar, Achiktash, Karadzhilga.
48.1 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a tributary of the Karakol with a length of 26.4 kilometers flows from the left. Karakol River is formed at an altitude of 3825 meters above sea level from the confluence of the rivers: the right tributary - Jagalmai East, 26.2 kilometers long and the left tributary - Kara-Chukur, 19.8 kilometers long.
The river is full-flowing, the speed of the river is from 2 to 2.5 kilometers per hour. The mouth of the Karakol River is located in the Dzharyktash tract at an altitude of 2992.3 meters above sea level. The Karakol River flows through the Issyk-Kul and Naryn regions.
Geographic coordinates of Karakol River: N41°27'54.04" E77°18'47.62"
River Chakyr-Korum Western.
1.3 kilometers after the beginning of the Karakol River, a tributary of the Chakyr-Korum Western, 7.2 kilometers long, flows in from the right. The main source is located at an altitude of 4240.8 meters above sea level on the southern slope of the Jagalmay gorge.
A small tributary flows from the southern slope of the Chakyr-Korum pass, located at an altitude of 3882.4 meters above sea level. The pass is a watershed of the Chakyr-Korum West and Chakyr-Korum East rivers.
Geographical coordinates of river Chakyr-Korum West: N41°22'55.07" E77°28'24.36"
Kichi-Atjailau river.
8.4 kilometers after the beginning of the Karakol River, a tributary of the Kichi-Atjailau with a length of 3.8 kilometers flows from the left. The sources of the river are located on the eastern slope of the Kichi-Atjailau gorge at an altitude of 4472.9 meters above sea level. In the upper reaches of the gorge there are neti glaciers. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3197 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kichi-Atjailau River: N41°22'06.91" E77°21'02.53"
Atjailau river.
9.2 kilometers after the beginning of the Karakol River, the Atdzhailau tributary, 8 kilometers long, flows in from the left. The sources of the river are located on the eastern slope of the Atjailau pass at an altitude of 4220 meters above sea level and on the southern slope of the Atjailau gorge at an altitude of 4531.1 meters above sea level.
There are minor glaciers in the upper reaches of the gorge. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3170.5 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Atjailau River: N41°22'18.10" E77°19'26.98"
Karakolot river.
12.6 kilometers after the beginning of the Karakol River, a tributary of the Karakolot with a length of 5.1 kilometers flows from the left. The sources of the river are located on the southern slope of the gorge at an altitude of 4445 meters above sea level and on the southern slope of the Karakolot pass located at an altitude of 4081 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3145 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Karakolot River: N41°23'37.67" E77°18'32.82"
Kekdzhar stream.
15.4 kilometers after the beginning of the Karakol River, the Kekdzhar Stream, 5 kilometers long, flows from the left. The sources of the stream originate from the snow-covered, eastern slopes of the Kekdzhar Pass, located at an altitude of 3998 meters above sea level.
The left sources of the stream are located on the southern slope of the Kekdzhar gorge at an altitude of 4175 meters above sea level. The mouth of the stream is located at an altitude of 3114 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Kekdzhar stream: N41°25'28.94" E77°18'13.28"
Achiktash river.
15.7 kilometers after the beginning of the Karakol River, the Achiktash tributary, 7.5 kilometers long, flows in from the right. At 4.6 kilometers after the sources, at an altitude of 3372 meters above sea level, the river forms in one channel.
The main source is located at an altitude of 4352 meters above sea level on the western slope of the northwestern spur of the Borkoldoy ridge. The left tributary originates at an altitude of 4551 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3113 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Achiktash stream: N41°25'59.49" E77°20'16.95"
East Jagalmai River.
The East Jagalmay River, 26.2 kilometers long, is one of the main tributaries of the Karakol River. The main sources of the river are located on the northern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge, where powerful glaciation is concentrated. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3531 meters above sea level.
The river valley expands in this place up to 50 meters. There are three glaciers in the upper reaches of Jagalmay East gorge - Jagalmay East, Jagalmay Central and Jagalmay West. The glaciers are located on the western slope of the Jagalmai East gorge.
East Jagalmay glacier is 8.1 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 10.76 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 19.94 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the Borkoldoy ridge at an altitude of 4996 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3971 meters above sea level.
Jagalmay Central glacier is 7 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 6.67 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 18.27 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the Borkoldoy ridge at an altitude of 5170 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3966 meters above sea level.
Jagalmai West glacier is 5.7 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 8.19 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 19.65 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the Borkoldoy ridge at an altitude of 5015 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3834 meters above sea level. The mouth of the Jagalmai East River is located at an altitude of 3279 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of East Jagalmay River: N41°20'50.32" E77°33'06.65"
Kara-Chukur river.
After 25.2 kilometers after the sources of the East Jagalmai River, a tributary of the Kara-Chukur with a length of 19.8 kilometers flows from the left. The sources of the Kara-Chukur river are located on the northern and northwestern slopes of the Borkoldoy ridge.
One of the main sources is located on the northern slope of the Kubergenty pass, located at an altitude of 3907.2 meters above sea level. In the upper reaches of the western source of the Kara-Chukur, there is the Kara-Chukur glacier with a length of 2.9 kilometers, the area of the glacier is 5.56 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 10.65 kilometers.
The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge, on the southern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge at an altitude of 4790 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4064 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3285 meters above sea level.
Kara-Chunkur receives 10 large and small tributaries on the right, including a large tributary - Karadzhilga, on the left 9 tributaries including a large tributary Dzhangdzhir. It should be noted that the Kubergenty pass is a watershed between the basins of the Naryn and East Aksai rivers.
The East Aksai River is a tributary of the Moduryum River, which in turn is a tributary of the Kokshaal River. To the northeast of the pass is the Kogalyachap watershed plateau, which divides the sources of the Eastern Aksai and Uzengegush. The Kogalyachap plateau is a bridge between the northern slopes of the Western Kokshaal-Too and the southern slopes of the Borkoldoy ridge.
Geographical coordinates of Kara-Chunkur River: N41°17'07.05" E77°24'48.25"
Karadzhilga river.
At the 11th kilometer after the sources, the tributary Karadzhilga, 12.2 kilometers long, flows into the Kara-Chkur River on the right. The origins of Karadzhilga begin with the Karadzhilga glacier, 2.5 kilometers long, located in the center of the largest glaciation of the Borkoldoy ridge.
The area of the glacier is 3.93 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 8.17 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge of the Borkoldoy ridge on the western slope of the Borkoldoy peak, 4765 meters above sea level.
The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4023 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3543 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Karadzhilga River: N41°17'26.78" E77°28'15.99"
Jangjir river.
At 16.6 kilometers from the beginning of the sources, the tributary Jangdzhir, 15.3 kilometers long, flows into the Kara-Chukur from the left. The sources of the river are located in the Kalyntaigak tract, on the southern slopes of the eastern part of the Naryn-Tau ridge at an altitude of 4140 meters above sea level.
On the left, the river receives 7 tributaries, on the right side, 6 tributaries. At 10 km, at an altitude of 3413.6 meters at sea level, the main channel of the river is being formed. In the upper reaches of the right unnamed tributary of the Dzhangdzhir there is a glacier 1.2 kilometers long, the area of the glacier is 0.93 square kilometers, the perimeter reaches 7.22 kilometers.
The upper feeding area of the glacier is located in the main ridge, on the northern slope of the Borkoldoy ridge at an altitude of 4636 meters above sea level. The tongue of the glacier is located at an altitude of 4070 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3320.8 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Jangdzhir River: N41°19'55.62" E77°21'56.59"
Sarybelkyn-Chontory river.
After 48.5 kilometers after the formation of the main channel of the Naryn, a tributary of the Sarybelkyn-Chontora with a length of 6.8 kilometers flows into the right. The sources of the river are located on the southern slopes of the Jetim ridge from a small glacier at an altitude of 4526 meters above sea level. The mouth of the stream is located at an altitude of 2991 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Sarybelkyn-Chontora River: N41°31'12.89" E77°14'49.50"
Uzun-Bulak river.
55 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a tributary of the Uzun-Bulak with a length of 7.5 kilometers flows to the right. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3092 meters above sea level. The sources of the river are located on the southern slopes of the Jetim Range at an altitude of 4432 meters above sea level. There are no glaciers in the upper reaches of the gorge. The mouth of the stream is located at an altitude of 2944 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Uzun-Bulak River: N41°29'42.50" E77°12'33.10"
Kashka-Bulak river.
After 58.3 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a tributary of Kashka-Bulak, 3.3 kilometers long, flows in from the right. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3004 meters above sea level. The sources of the river are located on the southern slopes of the Jetim Range at an altitude of 4244.9 meters above sea level. There are no glaciers in the upper reaches of the gorge. The mouth of the stream is located at an altitude of 2913 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kashka-Bulak River: N41°29'16.00" E77°10'37.95"
Ulan river.
The Ulan river basin consists of the following rivers: Kekdzhar, Tekilitor, Kunanashu, Durme. 63.9 kilometers after the sources of the Naryn, a tributary of the Ulan, 19 kilometers long, flows in from the left. The main channel of the river is formed at an altitude of 3057 meters above sea level.
The sources of the river are located on the eastern slope from the pass of the same name located at an altitude of 3791.4 meters above sea level. The river has 7 left small tributaries along its entire length, on the right the river receives 7 tributaries, two of which are large Kekdzhar and Tekelitor. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 2884 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Ulan River: N41°26'02.59" E77°06'03.40"
Kekjar river.
12.3 kilometers after the headwaters of the Ulan River, the tributary Kekdzhar, 18.6 kilometers long, flows in from the right. On the left, the river has 7 tributaries. In the upper part, the sources originate from a group of 5 small glaciers that lie on the northern slopes of the Kekdzhar gorge in the eastern part of the Naryn-Tau ridge.
The upper feeding area of the glaciers lies at an altitude of 4332 to 4531 meters above sea level. One of the tributaries is located on the western slope of the Kekdzhar Pass, located at an altitude of 3998 meters above sea level. The Kekdzhar Pass is a watershed of the Ulan and Karakol river basins. The mouth of the Kekjar River is located at an altitude of 3057 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Kekjar River: N41°24'59.05" E77°10'23.60"
River Tekelitor.
9.4 kilometers after the sources of the Ulan River, the tributary Tekelitor with a length of 10.8 kilometers flows into the right. In the upper reaches, the river receives 4 tributaries on the left and three tributaries on the right.
On the northern slope of the Tekelitor gorge is the Kunanashu pass 4009.4 meters above sea level and a small glacier 700 meters long that feeds the river. The area of the glacier is 0.37 square kilometers, the perimeter is 2.55 kilometers. The upper feeding area of the glacier lies at an altitude of 4342 meters above sea level. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3112 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Tekelitor River: N41°22'36.37" E77°08'23.92"
iver Durme.
10.8 kilometers after the headwaters of the Tekelitor River, a tributary of Durma, 8.1 kilometers long, flows in from the left. The sources of the river are located on the eastern slope of the Naryn-Tau ridge, in the upper reaches of the Durme River and on the eastern slope of the Dungurame Pass at a height of 3954.9 meters above sea level.
On the northern slope of the Durme gorge, there is a glacier of the same name from which the river is fed. The length of the Durme glacier is 2 kilometers, the area of the glacier reaches 2.09 square kilometers, the perimeter of the glacier is 7.85 kilometers. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3260 meters above sea level.
Geographical coordinates of Durme River: N41°21'57.59" E77°04'42.37"
Kunanashu river.
At 6.1 kilometers after the sources of the Durme River, a tributary of the Kunanashu, 7.9 kilometers long, flows in from the right. The sources of the river are located on the western slope of the Kunanashu pass, 4009.4 meters above sea level. On the northern slopes of the gorge there are small glaciers that feed Kunanash. The mouth of the river is located at an altitude of 3259 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Kunanashu River: N41°20'42.57" E77°08'03.84"
Authority and photos by
Alexander Petrov.