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Observatory of Ak-Baur.

Bus and walking tour in Kazakhstan.
«Memory is the treasure house of the mind wherein the monuments thereof are kept and preserved»
Thomas Fuller.
Take a guided tour in Ust-Kamenogorsk.
Central stone of wall at Ak-Baur complex is located at an altitude of 519 meters above sea level, located in upper reaches of Ak-Baur stream, on Mount Korzhimbay, in Kalba Mountains, 2.3 kilometers east of right bank of Urunkay (Sibinka) River, in 5 kilometers south and slightly east of village of Sagyr (former village of Leninka), 4.1 kilometers north and slightly east of village of Besterek, 32.7 kilometers south and slightly east of town of Ust-Kamenogorsk, in Ulansky district, in East Kazakhstan region.
“From the grotto, a straight, arrow-shaped path led us to a strange structure, near an elongated tiled rock. Across a square area measuring 25 x 25 meters, a meter-high wall was laid, consisting of six large slabs, the outermost of which had a semicircular shape.
The central slabs were hewn at the bottom, descending to a transverse narrow slab, which, like a front sight in a giant sight, was aimed at something distant. The fact that it was a sight was beyond doubt, and the compass showed the exact direction of the sight - across the top of the White Hill, standing in the middle of Ak-Baur, to the top of the Northern Hill crowned with high stonework.
But the most interesting thing was discovered when we discovered in the western rocky cliff that closed the site a narrow gap, which, like a sight, was also directed towards the top of another mountain, the western one, the same pyramidal Mount Sorokina, which was the center and landmark of the entire Ak space. - Baura."
The central stone of the “wall” resembles a sight. The sight's front sight through the top of the white hill and the top of the Northern Hill on the day of the spring equinox is aimed strictly at the Polar Star, which originally served the ancient peoples as a guide on their journey.
“Helping” to see this direction is a white stone dug into the top of the hill. The Kazakhs call such stones “karakshi”, literally “beholder”. In Eastern Kazakhstan, shepherds still consider them to be kind of guards; they dig them into the ground on the tops of mountains and hills.
Karakshas serve as indicators of the promise of the land. It should be noted that the sight on the karakshi, and through it on the North Star, is not the only one in the Ak-Baur valley. Through a gap in the rock to the left of the wall with a sight, the top of Magpie Mountain can be seen, and this direction is due west. Such natural sights were very often used in mountainous areas.
Geographic coordinates of Central stone of wall at Ak-Baur complex: N49°40'38 E82°41'09
The guidebook across Kazakhstan. Authors Dagmar Schreiber and Jeremy Tredinnick. Publishing house "Odyssey".2010.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov