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Panfilov glacier. Ala-Archa park.

Active rest in mountains of Kyrgyzstan.
“Again the mountain winds dry us,
Blow the longing out of the soul.
We sell immortal souls
For one revelation of the heights
We are all in a hurry to that turn
Where fire burns for no reason
So lock you Wolf's Gate
And put the keys in the pawnshop."
Yuri Vizbor. "Wolf's Gate". 1961.
Guide to gorges of Kyrgyzstan.
Panfilov Glacier is located on the northern slope of the Kyrgyz ridge, in the side gorge of Adygen, belonging to the Ala-Archa river basin, 42 kilometers southwest of the city of Bishkek in the Alamudun district of the Chui oblast.
The length of the open part of the glacier is 1.3 kilometers, the closed, moraine part is 700 meters. The perimeter of the open part of the Panfilov glacier is 3173 meters, the area is 515730 square meters. The sources of the glacier are located on the northern slopes of the ridge 4223 meters above sea level, which is the watershed between the rivers Ala-Archa and Dzhelamysh.
The tongue of the open part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3816 meters above sea level, the tongue of the closed part of the glacier is located at an altitude of 3651 meters above sea level. At an altitude of 3532 meters above sea level, partly a moraine of the Panfilov glacier and a moraine sliding from the north-western slope of the gorge is in contact with the left (western) side of the South Adygene glacier.
In the northwestern part of the glacier in the ridge, there is the dominant summit of the massif - Adygen, 4393.4 meters above sea level.
Geographic coordinates of Panfilov glacier: N42 ° 31'29.09 "E74 ° 25'06.97"
Authority anf photos by
Alexander Petrov.