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Panorama of Registan Square.

Cultural and educational tourism in Uzbekistan.
"Oh world shine! Azure Samarkand! You are stories of legend
And the beauty of the new East, the majestic pathos of creation"
Gafur Ghoulam.
Holiday Tourism in Uzbekistan.
On the left is the Ulugbek Madrasah (XVth century), in the center is Tilla-Kari Madrasa (XVIIth century), on the right is Sher-Dor Madrasah (XVIIth century). Initially, on the sides of the portal of the Ulugbek madrasa (on the left) there were high dome structures, which served as models for the later dome structures of the Sher-Dor madrasah (on the right).
But they did not stand the test of time and earthquakes. The photograph of the middle of the 20th century also shows that the mosque in the Tilla-Kari madrasah does not have a dome restored later.
"Religious and spiritual monuments of Central Asia." Author M. Khashimov. Saga Publishing, 2001 Collection “Architectural and archeological monuments of Uzbekistan”, Saga, 2003. “Samarkand. Reference Guide ", Authors I.Umnyakov, Y. Alekserov. Arapov A.V. Samarkand "Masterpieces of Central Asia". Media-Asia San’at Publishing House 2008. Arapov A.V. “Samarkand. Guide "Publishing house" Media-Asia San’ath 2007.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.