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Pavilions Temur in Samarkand.

Tours to Samarkand from Almaty.
“Where are these people now the wisest of our land?
They did not find the secret thread at the heart of the creation.
As they suspect a lot about the essence of God, -
His whole life shook his beards - and left without a trace ”
Omar Khayyam.
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The tents of many peoples of Central Asia, where the everyday features of the agricultural and nomadic population were constantly side by side, played a special role. Along with the simplest type of tent, based on two or three racks with felt or thick woolen fabric draped over, the Central Asian nomadic society created a highly perfect type of collapsible dwelling - a yurt.
They were transferred to the urban environment and partly transformed into the architecture of prefabricated pavilions. Urban artisans, having perceived the idea of a tent, complicated its constructive skeleton, enriched it with the use of embroidered covering fabrics and carpets, and sometimes developed very complex compositions.
The variety and beauty of tents and pavilions; seen in Samarkand, Clavijo was struck, who, of course, had previously seen quite a lot of Moorish tents. However, the Arab world did not create anything like this. In the days of the festivities. were held in Samarkand on a suburban tract Kani Gil.
As well as on the town squares, where tents with crustacean goods were spread, music thundered, pgamorokhi and tightrope walkers performed. Clavijo mentions: many tents, stretched on ropes, covered with scarlet velvet and other fabrics, with silver medallions or patterned appliqués sewn over the top.
He also mentions that the design of one of them included half-gilded figures of eagle and falcons, prepared for flight, and also speaks about the wedding of the pillars by the moon and the apple - obviously perceived in the Islamic era by the ancient symbol of the moon and sun.
Pavilions were 104 under Amir Temur. The garden pavilion was usually square, on 4 thin racks, with a flat ceiling and shaped cornice, sometimes topped with a turret. Ak-Saray Shakhrisabz under Amir Temur. Clavijo mentions the luxurious pavilion of this kind at the Ak-Saray palace:
"Then the envoy was led to watch the hall, intended for the seignior for feasts and to spend time there with their wives ...". Bagi Dilkush (“The garden captivating hearts”) at Amir Temur in the autumn of 1397 (799) in the valley of Kan-i Gil.
Information about the festival held in 1404 in Kani Gil near Samarkand, on the occasion of the return of Amir Temur from the campaign and the wedding of his grandchildren, is given by complementing each other, Clavijo, SharaF al-Din Ali Yazdi and Ibn Arabshah.
The Spanish ambassador describes in detail the whole camp that was built on the Kan-i gad. The entrance to such fences was highlighted by a portal with an arch and an interior where carved doors led, above which a tower with battlements rose and all this was richly ornamented. Inside there were shatras and pavilions.
Clavijo was particularly struck by that magnificent pavilion, which was intended for Amir Temur himself. He wrote: “This pavilion is so vast and large that it seemed like a castle. Its size and height were astonishing, and the beauty in it was much more, which is impossible to describe.
A porch based on twelve pillars led to a square pavilion also on twelve very powerful external pillars. There was an elevation in the interior, on which Amir Temur himself sat during receptions and feasts. ” The pavilion craftsmen carried out a collapsible wooden mosque for Amir Temur, which he took with him on hikes.
In particular, during the festivities on Kani Gil, she towered among the tents behind a special fence. According to Ibn Arabshah, “cotton weavers staged a pavilion (Madinat) made of cotton, resilient, excellent in proportions, attractive with a device, strong in appearance, beautiful, with whiteness exceeded the whites of black-eyed women (beauties), excellence of foundations surpassed palaces”