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Rocket and space complex "Zenith".

Rocket systems at Baikonur cosmodrome.
“I don’t know if I proved it to everyone, but I certainly proved it to myself: we are not chained to this planet.”
Trip to Zenit rocket and space complex.
The newest among the rocket and space complexes of the Baikonur Cosmodrome is Zenit. Its creation began in 1976 and was carried out in parallel with the development of the Energia-Buran reusable space system.
The modified first stages of the Zenit launch vehicle were used as side blocks of the Energia launch vehicle. The Zenit launch vehicle is made according to a two-stage design and is capable of launching a payload weighing up to 13.7 tons into a reference orbit with an altitude of 200 kilometers and an inclination of 51°.
Both stages use environmentally friendly fuel components - liquid oxygen and kerosene. The launch site, which covers an area of 113 hectares, has two launchers, a cryogenic center and more than 50 technological systems.
All operations for transportation, installation of the rocket on the launch device, docking of refueling stations and other communications are carried out automatically. The rocket can be launched within an hour and a half after its installation at the launch facility.
Even if the launch is cancelled, work to restore the missile to its original state is carried out under remote control from the command post. The technical position of the Zenit rocket and space complex includes an installation and testing building, storage facilities for launch vehicles and spacecraft, technical buildings and other structures.
In the late 1980s, the country's space programs underwent serious reductions. Many new satellites aimed at Zenit were never created. Therefore, the load on the rocket and space complex was low - a total of 32 launches were carried out.
It the same time, the creators of the complex came up with a new idea: to launch a launch vehicle from a floating platform. Thus, its capabilities are significantly expanded by moving the starting point to the equator.
The project was called “Sea Launch”. Firms from Ukraine, Russia, the USA and Norway participate in it. The first successful launch of Zenit-SL from the Odyssey platform took place on March 28, 1999.
Geographic coordinates of Zenit rocket and space complex, site No. 45: N45°56'23,98" E63°39'17,90"
If you are using geographic coordinates for Google Earth or Google Maps navigation systems, you must remove the last two digits from geographic coordinates and " (hundredths of a second) and enter the result in the input line. Example: N51°44'09.67" E72°39'40.81" = N51°44'09 E72°39'40
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