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Saken Seyfullin museum.

Saken Seyfullin. 1921.

The literary-memorial museum of the well-known poet, writer, outstanding public figure and statesman Saken Seyfullin was opened on February 20, 1988 by decision of the Council of Ministers of Kaz.SSR, in Tselinograd, nowadays is known as Astana.
The complex of buildings of the museum has a direct relation to Saken Seyfullin. The first building represents as a wooden log house of 1847, once in 1920 located administrative offices where Saken Seyfullin used to work.
Nowadays the thematic exhibitions of the museum housed these, revealing the entire life and career of the writer. The second building, where housed the museum funds and staff offices, built in 1890, belonged to the friend of Saken Seyfullin, one of the characters of his famous historical-memoirs novel “Tar zhol, taygak keshu" (“Bed of thorns") – the doctor Blagoveschenkiy F.A.
Both of these buildings are the architectural monuments and wooden architecture of the end of the nineteenth century, protected by the law and state. Next to the museum, the street named after the poet, in 1994, the 100th Anniversary of the birth, was established a monument of Saken Seyfullin. 
Since gaining city status as the capital in 1998, museum of Saken Seifullin – his expositions, the building of the museum, territorial complex, has undergone great changes. Restoration works of two buildings, full re-expositions of the museum were carried out, has opened a hall for carrying out large events, meetings, literary and musical entertainments.
At the beginning of the museum opening, there were about 600 - 700 depositary items.
At this stage, there are 6000 depositary items, of which – 2900 capital fund units, 3100 units from the scientific- subsidiary fund. Among the exhibits of the museum, there are personal belongings of the writer – such as the typewriter, gold watch, chapan (caftan) and skullcap, feather and ink set, suit.
The museum is fully and study room of the poet recreated in detail as well as the room where his family used to live.
Address: Astana, Mukhtar Auezov Str., 20. Теl: 8 (7172) 323 563

Saken Seyfullin museum in Astana.Saken Seyfullin museum in Astana.Saken Seyfullin museum in Astana.Saken Seyfullin museum in Astana.Saken Seyfullin museum in Astana.Saken Seyfullin museum in Astana.The Omsk seminary in which Saken Seyfullin studied.The Omsk seminary in which Saken Seyfullin studied.
