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Sands Egizlak on Mangyshlak.

Adventure tour in environs Mangyshlak.
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”
Lao Tzu.
Fam trip from Astana to Mangyshlak.
The sands of Egizlak are located in the Mangystau region in the north of the Mangyshlak peninsula. The sands are located in the eastern part of the Buzachi Peninsula in the latitudinal direction. In the north-eastern part of the sands of Egizlak there is the Abray necropolis.
In the southeastern part of the sands is the Olzha Necropolis. The length of the sands of Egizlak from northwest to east is 13 kilometers, the maximum width in the central part is 7 kilometers. In the northern part of the sands is the southern marshy shore of Komsomolets Bay.
In the east, sands border the western extremity of theZhilimshyk sands. Akshymrau village is located 21 kilometers south of the southern part of the Egilzak sands. The sands are in the depression and the highest altitude does not exceed 6 meters above sea level.
Egizlak sands are represented by hilly and cellular fixed sands, the height of the sand mounds is not more than 3 meters, the depth of the sand cells is up to 3 meters. In the sands of Yegizlak grow a feather grass, comb wheat grass, zhuzgun, weeds, biyurgun from shrub in the sands are represented by Saxaul.
Geographical coordinates of the southern part of the sands of Zhilimshyk N45 ° 02'01.39 "E52 ° 52'27.35"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.