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Sands of Karakum on west Caspian.

Tourist places of Ustyrt.
"You cannot understand the desert by counting grains of sand"
Sands of Atyrau region.
The sands of the Karakum are located in the westernmost tip of the Caspian Sea (Depression of the Ural furrow), north of the Dead Kultuk sor, bordering the southern end of the Caspian lowland, the southern part of the sands is located in the Beineu region of the Mangistau region, the northern and eastern parts of the sands in the Zhalyi region of Atyrau.
The sands stretch from south to north and northeast for 156 kilometers, the width in the northern part reaches 52 kilometers. The northern and northwestern part of the sands is in contact with the Mintup litter and there are a large number of sandy islands among the litter. In the western and southwestern parts of the sands, on the border with the Atanak valley, there are also saline land islands among the sands.
To the north, the sands are bordered by saline land Maybulak in the east with the Vostochny Ushkantuz saline land.
The northeastern part of the sands is crossed by the Beineu - Atyrau highway. Ridge sands are cellular, the height of the ridges is 3 - 5, the depth of the sand cells is from 1 to 3 meters. The sands contain a large number of active and backfilled wells.
Geographic coordinates of the Karakum sands: N46 ° 14'16.63 "E54 ° 04'53.56"
Authority and photos
Alexander Petrov.