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Sary-Dzhaz gorge.

Trip to Sary-Dzhaz gorge.
“When Nature has work to be done, she creates a genius to do it”
Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Tours to Sary-Dzhaz gorge.
Sary-Dzhaz gorge is located in mountain System Terskey Ala-Too, in the east of the Issyk-Kul region in 50 kilometers from the administrative center of area of the city of Karakol, adjoins the gorge Turgen-Aksu. The valley of the gorge extends on 12 kilometers from the West on the East towards the pass Chong-Ashu.
Height near entrance to the gorge makes 2850 meters above sea level, and on the pass where the gorge height of 3800 meters above sea level, the difference on height in the gorge makes about 1 km. The towering mountains around the gorge have height about 4000 meters. Along the gorge the small river flows. Feature of this edge is in the valley, between slopes of mountains several, small mountain lakes which are located at the height of 3600 - 3800 meters were formed, and also the gorge is characterized by lack of the woods and other vegetation.
In the top part of the valley there are Sary-Dzhaz ridges - Semenov peak of 5816 meters above sea level and the Terskey Ala-Too - peak Karakol of 5280 meters above sea level. In Sary-Dzhaz valley severe climatic conditions.
Across the territory of Kyrgyzstan the extent of the river of Sary-Dzhaz of 198 km. The river flows down from glaciers of the massif Muztag. Water in the river surprising green white color. At the height of 3000 meters there is a zone of the Alpine meadows.
Here a fir-tree, birches grow. A little below than the Alpine meadows the steppe strip settled down. Sary-Dzhaz river flows in a canyon to the valley with breaks. From this valley before you the magnificent view on sharp peaks and crests of ridges will open.
To your look the mountains covered in all length with a snow strip from where look through glaciers will open.
"The big Soviet encyclopedia".
Alexandr Petrov.