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Сave drawing of Bukantau.

Petroglyph Tours in Uzbekistan.
“Ancient aphorisms outlived centuries. Modern aphorisms can barеly survive from book to book”
Ljupka Cvetanova.
Museum Petroglyph Tours in Uzbekistan.
In northwestern Uzbekistan, in the Bukantau mountains, 50-60 kilometers north of the city of Uchkuduk, in the Uchkuduk district of the Navoi region, they are located in the very center of the Kyzylkum desert.
An indicative feature of the Central Kyzyl Kum desert is a large number of low mountains that particularly enliven the desert landscape.
The altitude of Bukantau is 764.3m above sea level. In this mountain massif, petroglyphs are found near almost all wells and springs (Bohali Spring, Ayakdzharlykap, Dzhingeldy, Argabay Wells, Uru, Chili, Arkar, Kyrbukan, Spit, Orazali, Otchikkan, Oybohansay Gorges) (Oskin 1985: 8 - 9).
In some places carved images occur all the way along very long valleys. Research Status Archeologist A.-V. Oskin was the first to survey petroglyphs in Bukantauin in 1972. He was followed by M. Khujanazarov and A. Razvadovskiy in 2002 (Khujanazarov & Razvadovskiy 2003:196 - 2002) who made copies and photos of selected petroglyphs.
Uzbek geologists and the Khorezm Expedition from the Institute of History of Material Culture of AS of the USSR discovered turquoise and copper pits. Their excavations brought up many stones as well as ceramics from different historical periods. We shall now describe key locations of petroglyphs in the Bukantau Mountains
Muhiddin Khujanazarov.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.