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Scientific station "Karazhar".

Tours around Korgalzhyn.
“Life while traveling is a dream in its purest form”
One-day tour to Korgalzhyn Reserve.
Scientific station "Karazhar" is located at an altitude of 307 meters above sea level, located in the south-eastern part of Lake Sultankeldy in close proximity to shore, in north of the Kazakh small hills, at bottom of Tengiz-Korgalzhyn depression, on territory of the Korgalzhyn natural park, in Korgalyzh district on southwest of Akmola region.
State security inspectors and the science department of the Korgalzhyn Biosphere Reserve are based at the Karazhar scientific station. Currently, a tourist base has been organized and built at the Karazhar cordon.
There are several wooden and log guest houses and wooden gazebos. The tourist base was built in the early 2000s. Previously, Dinmuhammed Kunaev loved to come here, and now the brick, solid house is sometimes called Kunaev’s former dacha.
It should be noted that D. Kunaev’s former dacha is located on a peninsula, on the eastern coast of Lake Sholak, next to the former pioneer camp in the Sagazholymbet valley Until 1975, on the territory of Karazhar there was a small village and the Tselinograd fish factory, a branch of the Abay state farm in the village of Karazhar.
In connection with the organization of the reserve, about 1,000 residents of various villages located along the shores of Lake Korgalyzhn - Reed Plant, Nefterazvedka, Alkym, Abylay divisions of the Abay state farm, Kamyshzavod, ORS (work supply department of the railway) were resettled outside its territory.
In the 1980s, a small garden was planted on the territory of Karazhar, from here the seeds of Elaeagnus angustifolia and golden currant (Ribes aureum) were spread by birds. These bushes currently grow along the eastern and northern shores of Sultankeldy, the northern shore of Lake Zhamankul.
The reserve is home to 347 bird species, including 126 nesting birds. 41 bird species are listed in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, 26 species are in the International Red Book. Thanks to these birds, the reserve has acquired international significance.
The Tengiz-Korgalzhyn lake system is home to 112 species of complex waterbirds, which is 87% of the 130 known throughout Kazakhstan. According to the census, 20% of the world population of the curly-tailed bird and rare flamingos, white ducks, field eagles, black-eyed gulls, plovers and others listed in the Red Book.
10 - 20% gathers in nature reserves. Corella nests and lays eggs only in Lake Tengiz in Kazakhstan. When pink-winged flamingos gather in the sky, the entire lake lights up with red flames and becomes very spectacular.
That is why it is sometimes called “Kyzylkanat”. In the 1960s, the number of flamingos in the reserve was 45 - 60,000, but in 2000 only 10 - 15,000 remained.
Geographic coordinates of "Karazhar" scientific base: N50°28'36 E69°32'33
Alexander Petrov.
"Reserves of Central Asia and Kazakhstan." Publishing house "Mysl". 1990 Edited by V.E. Sokolova, E.E. Syroechkovsky.
Photos by:
Alexander Petrov.