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Сhayka ***.
Address: Michurina str; 11 A, 470060, Karaganda, Kazakhstan
The price of rooms ($ USA):
Single room - 75
Double room – 130
The price for accommodation at the hotel including: breakfast.
Check in at 12.00, check out at 12.00
Hotel is opened in 1981 year, in hotel of 3 floors.
Hotel offers 43 guest rooms, including 9 single standard rooms, 4 double standard rooms, 6 single deluxe rooms, 2 double deluxe rooms, 5 single suite rooms, 10 double suite rooms, 6 VIP apartments, 1 presidential room.
In rooms of hotel is: phone, the refrigerator, the air-conditioning, mini bar, a cable television, the Internet, toilet accessories, the hair dryer.