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Sokuluk region in Chuy region.

Travels in Chuy region in Kyrgyzstan.
“What strange phenomena we find in a great city, all we need do is stroll about with our eyes open. Life swarms with innocent monsters”
Charles Baudelaire.
Chuy region in Kyrgyzstan.
The district was formed in 1953. The area of the district is 2550 square kilometers, 1 city, 19 ayil aimaks: At-Bashinsky (4 settlements), Tosh-Bulaksky (3), Voenno-Antonovsky (1), Gavrilovsky (4), Dzhany-Dzhersky (5), Dzhany -Pakhtinsky (5), Kamyshanovsky (1), Asylbashsky (2), Kuntuusky (5), named after Krupskaya (4), Kyzyl-Tuusky (5), Nizhne-Chuisky (6), Novopavlovsky (2), Sazsky (2) , Oroksky (8), Pervomaisky (3), Sokuluksky (1), Frunzensky (4), named after Kainazarova (3).
There are 67 settlements in the region (the village of Sokuluk belongs to the aiyl aimaks named after Krupsky and Sokuluk). The resident population according to the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic as of January 1, 2015 is 173,000 people (urban population 9,4,000 people - the city of Shopokov, rural population 163,600 people).
The average population density is 67.8 people per square kilometer. The administrative center of the region is the village of Sokuluk with a permanent population of 11,968 people (according to the 2009 census). Sokuluk region is located in the central part of the Chuy valley and is limited: from the north - by the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan; from the west - the territory of the Moscow region; from the south - by the crest of the Kyrgyz ridge; from the east - the territory of the Alamudun region.
The territory of the district is elongated along a slope from south to north, includes the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge, occupying the southern third of the area, a foothill zone with a slope of up to 2o and a flat part with slopes less than 0.5 degrees to the north.
The mountainous part is represented by rocks of the Paleozoic age, the valley part is represented by alluvial-proluvial, sandy-clayey and coarse rocks of the Neogene-Quaternary age. The absolute elevations of the relief increase from the northern borders of the region from 580 to 1100 meters above sea level in the valley part to 4400 meters above sea level on the crest of the Kyrgyz ridge.
The climate is continental with dry hot summers and moderately cold winters. The average temperature in July is 25 degrees C. Autumn is dry, warm, followed by a sharp transition to winter. The snow cover is unstable.
The number of days in a year with snow cover is 71, the height of the snow cover is on average 21 cm in the valley part of the region. On the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge, depending on the absolute marks, the number of days per year with snow cover and the height of the snow cover increase.
This dependence is reflected in the following figures: 1000 meters above sea level, height - 25 cm; height of snow cover - 68 days a year with snow cover. 1500 meters above sea level - 26 cm - 91 days, 2000 meters above sea level - 46 cm - 118 days, 2500 meters above sea level - 66 cm - 146 days, 3000 meters above sea level - 84 cm - 183 days, 3500 meters above sea level - 115 cm - 243 days.
Mountain rivers originating on the northern slopes of the Kyrgyz ridge are predominantly of mixed glacier-snow and rainwater supply with the highest total discharge in July-August. The largest watercourses in the region are: Konok River - 1% flow rate 20.8 cubic meters per second, Zhylamysh River - 29.0 cubic meters per second, Sazbulak River - 25.1 cubic meters per second, Burli River - 131.0 cubic meters per second, the Chetendi river - 39.2 cubic meters per second, the Sarymsakty river - 45.4 cubic meters per second, the Kashka-Suu river - 89.0 cubic meters per second, the Sokuluk river - 61.5 cubic meters per second.
Mountain rivers have deeply deepened channels with numerous branches wandering in floodplain depressions. At the entrance to the valleys, a significant part of the river runoff is taken for irrigation. In the valley part, a ravine-gully network with permanent and temporary watercourses of rainfall and groundwater supply is widespread.
The irrigation network is developed throughout the central and northern parts of the region and is represented by numerous canals and artificial reservoirs. In the middle part of the district, there are swampy areas and a well-developed collector-drainage network.
There are 40 356 households in the district. The Lugovaya - Bishkek - Balykchy railway and the Bishkek - Osh highway pass through the district.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.