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State of Bukhar-Khudatov.

Excursion tours to Bukhara
“History is forced to repeat, because no one listens to it”
Laurence Peter.
Rest in Bukhara.
The state of Bukhar-hudatov (VII - VIII centuries). In the VII century. The union of the principalities of Bukhara, which included Paikend, Numidget, Vardan, Karman, recognized the vassal dependence on the Chinese Tang dynasty.
The Union headed the Bukhar-Hudat, which had a residence in the Arch of Numidget. The summer residence of the Bukhar Hudatov was located in Varakhshe. As a political center of the Bukhara oasis, Numidzhkett took over the name of the entire region - Bukhara.
By the VIIIth century, the area of the city reached 35 hectares, it was surrounded by powerful fortress walls. An-Narshahi reports that the Bukhar-Hudats rebuilt the Arc according to the plan of the Great Bear constellation.
At the beginning of the VIII century. the power in the Bukhara oasis was usurped by the rulers of Vardana. Then the Arab commander Kuteiba entered into an alliance with the Bukhar-Hudat Tugshad (692 – 693: 724 - 725) and captured Bukhara.
Kuteyba restored the primacy of the Bukhar-Hudatov who converted to Islam, and built the first mosque of Bukhara. However, before the beginning of the IX. Maverannahr (areas east of Amu-Darya) was a rebellious territory for the Arab Caliphate.
The last Bukhar-Hudat Arabs executed in 783 in the palace of Varakhshi for supporting the Mukanna uprising.
VG Saakov "History of Bukhara". Shark Publishing House, 1996. “Bukhara. Masterpieces of Central Asia. Historical guide to Bukhara. year 2012.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.