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Strait Kar-Bogaz-Gol.

Cognitive trip to Turkmenistan.
“Water is H2O, that is, two hydrogen atoms, one oxygen; but there is still a third one that turns these atoms into water, and no one knows what it is"
David Herbert Lawrence.
Sights of Turkmenistan.
The Kar-Bogaz-Gol Strait is a gulf on the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea, in the north of the Krasnovodsk plateau and Krasnovodsk gulf, in the Balkan velayat in the north-west of Turkmenistan. It lies between the South Kara-Bogaz-Golskaya and North Kara-Bogaz-Golskaya spits and connects the vast bay of the same name with the Caspian Sea.
The braids are composed of tertiary formations covered by sands. Above the level of the Caspian Sea, sand spits rise 3 meters with a width of 1 - 2 kilometers. The strait is 160 meters wide in the western part, and narrows to the south.
Depths in the strait are from 1 to 4 meters. At one time, there was a ferry for crossing the strait. In 1980, the strait was blocked by a dam to cut off the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay from the Caspian Sea in order to prevent a drop in sea level.
In 1992, the dams were destroyed and the strait was restored.
Geographic coordinates of the Kar-Bogaz-Gol Strait: N41 ° 04'44.04 "E52 ° 54'26.61"
N. A. Gvozdetsky, N. I. Mikhailov. "Physical geography of the USSR. Asian part. Third edition, revised and enlarged. Moscow "Mysl" 1978.
Photos by
Alexander Petrov.