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Suzik-ata - Suzgat-ata mausoleum.

Photo tours in Sairam.
“ seemed a part of her life, to step from the ancient to the modern, back and forth. She felt rather sorry for those who knew only one and not the other. It was better, she thought, to be able to select from the whole menu of human achievements than to be bound within one narrow range”
Orson Scott Card.
Photos of Turkestan.
Located on one of the slopes of the mountain range, south of the Sairam village, the mausoleum of Suzik-ata was rebuilt several times from the light quadrangular burnt brick several times during the XIII - XVI centuries. Sayram lies at the foot of Mount Psemskiy Khrebet, and can be used as a good base for tours in the surrounding area.
The Aksu Canyon is only 30 minutes away, and three kilometres outside the town the Martobe monuments can be visited, consisting of barrows and the ruins of a XIIth Century town. Time did not spare him; he fell off.
From written historical sources it is known that in the area of this burial there was an underground road leading to Sairam. Dimensions of the mausoleum - 5 x 5.5 meters, height - 6.5 meters. According to historical manuscripts, the true name of Suzik-ata is Mustafakuly Khoja (XII century).
He is the grandson of Khoja Ahmed Yasawi, born of his daughters. Khazret pampered him and often called him “my suzik” (from the phrase “koz suzil” - to peer closely, to heed). Apparently, in this way, Khoja Ahmed tried to keep courtesy and obedience in his grandson.
Under the name of Susik Mustafakuly, he became known among the people. Suzik-ata also belonged to the number of educated and wise representatives of his era. Realizing that he would need knowledge in life, he studied the postulates of the Islamic religion and began to preach them to others.
"Code of monuments of the South Kazakhstan region." Architectural and archaeological heritage of the South Kazakhstan region. In the framework of the regional program "Cultural Heritage".