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Tasbas ancient settlement.

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Settlement of Tasbas is located at an altitude of 1471 meters above sea level, located in southeastern part of Bayan-Zhurek mountains, on left, eastern terrace of Koksay River, 3.4 kilometers southwest of village of Balasaz, 25.8 kilometers east from village of Kapal, 15.6 kilometers south of village of Arasan in Aksusky district, Zhetysu region.
Tasbas settlement is built on several terraces, rising one above the other at a distance of 50 - 70 meters; 300 meters to the west there are several more similar terraces. A dwelling located on the lower terrace was chosen for excavations. A stone lining was visible on the surface.
Subsequently, it was established that this is part of the late Kazakh dwelling of the XVIIIth - XIXth centuries. After clearing the structures, it turned out that the ancient dwelling was located under the winter quarters at a depth of 1.8 - 2.3 meters. The design of the home turned out to be quite complex.
The house was cut into the slope and covered from the north and northeast by a rock. The floor of the dwelling was covered with clay and sank to the west. It is well preserved only in the eastern part of the house. Several construction horizons were identified: two fires were found under the floor coating.
The first hearth (dimensions 0.6 x 0.8 meters) was made of clay. At 0.35 meters below the first there was a second hearth (dimensions 0.8 x 0.9 meters), made of stones. Even lower was a layer of burnt wood and beneath it the mainland. In general, the dwelling was a dugout.
It dates back to the Late Bronze Age. In the area of the dwelling, fragments of gray ceramics were collected - fragments of the sides, necks and bottoms of pots. Some of them had ornaments. Pearls, notches, and flutes were found on the necks and rims.
Several fragments of pottery with patterns in the form of shaded triangles and pits were also discovered. Similar ceramics are found in the settlements of Central and Eastern Kazakhstan and Semirechye. In shape and ornamentation, the vessels from Tasbas are close to those from Semirechye from the settlements of Serektas, Talapty, Assy, but the greatest similarity can be traced with ceramics from the settlement of Serektas.
This makes it possible to date the settlement to the Late Bronze Age. The choice of location on a fairly steep slope on the terraces is determined by the climate. In cold winter conditions, the southern slopes of the Bayan-Zhurek mountains were protected from the northern winds, and it was much warmer here.
In summer, the gentle slopes and plateaus of the Dzhungar Alatau were covered with lush grass and made it possible to climb the summer hills in one day.
Geographic coordinates of Tasbas settlement: N45°08'13 E79°22'14
The book “Baya-Zhurek petroglyphs” K.M.Baipakov, A.N. Maryayshev. “Credos”, Almaty, 2008.
Alexander Petrov
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