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Tour Petroglyphs of Kazakhstan.

Tours on rocks figures of Almaty area saks the period.
«People, travel only because their neighbours»
Oldos Leonard Khaksli.
The short description of the tour route to burial mounds Besshatyr:
Almaty - barrows Issyk - barrows and museum Issyk - settlement Chilik - settlement Baiseit - settlement Nura - settlement Kokpek - settlement Chundzha - thermal springs "Small village" - settlement Dardamty - petroglyphs Dardamry - settlement Koktal - settlement Kieli-Agash - settlement Enbekshi - river Usek - settlement Enbekshi - sacred tree Aulie-Agash - town Zharkent - settlement Konyrolen - settlement Baschi - guest house «Shagan" - Altyn-Emel nationla perk - barrows Besshtyr - petroglyphs Taigak - Singing barchan - canyon Сharyn - Almaty.
Distance of route: 1314 km.
Season: from April 15th till September, 30th.
The best time for travel: April - September.
Duration tour: 8 days, 7 nights.
Detailed the program day by day from Ammaty to Chundzha settlement:
Archeology of Tour in Kazakhstan.
1 Day. Almaty.
Arrival in Almaty, meeting at the airport, transfer to hotel, accommodation, rest. Breakfast. After breakfast visiting of national historical museum, visiting of "gold" room saks, in museum is gold saks which have been found at excavation of burial place of the Gold person on Issyk barrows.
After visiting museum of history visiting of the area of Republic on which is stella Independence of Republic Kazakhstan with the set up stone sculpture of the Gold person. Visiting of park 28 guardsmen-panfilovzev, visiting Voznesenskiy of cathedral of architect Andrey Zenkov, visiting of museum of musical instruments. Sightseeing tour on city. Transfer to station cable way «Kok-Tobe» at palace of Republic.
Rise on cable way on mountain Kok-Tobe of 1130 meters above sea level, extent of 1,7 km, in way of 5 minutes. Walk in vicinities of mountain Kok-Tobe. From viewing platform which is on northwest part of mountain the kind on city Almaty from height of the bird's flight opens.
Visiting on mountain Kok-Tobe (birds of prey, pheasants, peacocks, deers, llamas both other animals and birds), monument to group "The Beatles", shop of souvenirs, art gallery. Descent from mountain Kok-Tobe on bus station. Transfer to city. Transfer to hotel, overnight.
2 Day. Almaty - barrows and museum Issyk - settlement Chilik - settlement Baiseit - settlement Chundzha - thermal springs "Small village" (289 km).
Breakfast. Our way passes through villages located lengthways Kuldzha path which are located one behind another, after settlement Avat we turn to the right and through 6 kilometers we arrive on Issyk barrows (53 km). Visiting of museum of history of the Gold person on Issyk barrows, visiting of excavation big Issyk barrow, visiting of gallery Issyk barrows which here is more than ten.
Transfer: barrows Issyk - Bakovskay road - barrows «North Malovodnoe» (76 km). Our way from Issyk barrows goes on the east on Bakovskay to road along the Big Almaty channel way. In vicinities of northern part of settlement Malovodnoe visiting of group of barrows consisting of six barrows, photographing.
Further transfer on Bakovskay to road up to barrows «North Chilik» (44 km). Following stop at barrows saks time in northern part from settlement Chilik which are behind Greater Almaty the channel way. The biggest barrow, in height provisional about 20 meters, is located at the channel way, other four barrows, are located in the south from the basic barrow, approximately in 800 meters. Visiting of barrows, photographing of barrows and vicinities. T
Further transfer: Bakovskay road - settlement Malybai - settlement Baiseit (25 km). Transfer: Settlement Baiseit - settlement Nura – settlement Kokpek - settlement Chundzha - thermal springs "Small village" (144 km). Arrival on thermal springs "Small village", accommodation in hotel. Interested persons can be expiated in pools with hot water. Overnight.
3 Day. Thermal springs "Small village" - petroglyphs figures Dardamty (24 km).
Breakfast. After breakfast transfer: thermal springs "Small village" - settlement Dardamty - river Dardamty - an archeologic cave (parking of the ancient person) - petroglyphs Dardamty (32 km). From thermal springs our way passes on the south to Uigur settlement Dardamty which is located under mountain ridge Ketmen from northern party. From settlement our way on the south passes on the right coast of the river Dardamty, then the steppe, soil road goes down in the dried up channel of the right inflow of the river Dardamty on which we move, transfer the river Dardamty.
The first stop at cave (parking of the ancient person) (3 km). Walk to cave on mountain footpath on rocky slope (200 meters). Visiting of cave, photographing of cave and vicinities.
Returning to motor vehicles, the further transfer to rocks where are petroglyphs saks time Dardamty (4 km), 1355 meters above sea level. Walk and photographing petroglyphs. Figures are on rocks, at an ascention on rocks it is necessary to be careful. In second half of day returning on thermal springs "Small village" (24 km). Arrival on thermal springs, overnight in hotel.
4 Day. Thermal springs Small village » - settlement Chundzha - river Usek - kumyskhana “Usek” (177 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Thermal springs "Small village" - settlement Chundzha - settlement Koktal - settlement Kieli-Agash - settlement Enbekshi - river Usek - kumyskhana "Usek" (177 km). After breakfast we leave hospitable "Small village" and our way lays to one of the large rivers of Southern Kazakhstan - Ili which flows to Kazakhstan from the Chinese Republic.
After settlement Koktal we gradually go deep into foothills Dzungarian Alatau on channel of the deep river Ili truncated, which divides wide gorge on two equal half. The settlement Enbekshi is located in picturesque valley of the river Ili truncated, in place picturesque, multi-coloured loam on abrupt breakage in east part of settlement.
Short stop for photographing settlement on background multi-coloured loam and the further transfer to kumyskhana "Usek». Accommodation in the tents. After dinner transfer to petroglyphs Usek (5 km). Walks on vicinities to petroglyphs Usek, photographing petroglyphs. After the termination of walk returning in kumyskhana «Usek». Overnight in tents.
5 Day. Kumyskhana «Usek» - settlement Koktal - town Zharkent - settlement Baschi (Altyn-Emel national park) (172 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: Kumyskhana «Usek» - settlement Enbekshi - sacred tree Aulie-Agash (30 km). Walk on an ashen grove, visiting 700 years trees Aulie-Agash, photographing of vicinities.
Transfer: tree Ailie-Agash - settlement Aulie-Agash - settlement Koktal - town Zharkent (32 km). Arrival in Zharkent, visiting Zharkent of mosque, excursion in an ethnographic museum at Zharkent mosques. Transfer: Zharkent - settlement Koktal - settlement Konyrolen - settlement Baschi - guest house «Shagan» (110 km). On way stop in mountains East Актау, short walk in vicinities, photographing. In the east from mountains East Актау are multi-coloured clay of mountains Tigrovyh. Arrival in guest house «Shagagan", accommodation, rest. Overnight in the guest house.
6 Day. Altyn-Emel national park (202 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: guest house «Shagan» - cordon «Mynbulak» - barrows Besshatyr (60 km). From guest house us is accompanied with equal, dusty steppe road, pass cordon Mynbulak from it way lays to barrows Besshatyr.
Arrival on barrows Beshatyr, an ascention on main barrow Besshatyr, from barrow opens panorama on river Ili and on 30 ancient barrows located at river Ili, photographing. Excursions and walks in vicinities, visiting of stones-mengir Beshatyr.
Transfer: barrows Beshatyr - petroglyphs Taigak (31 km), walks in vicinities of gorge Taigak, photographing petroglyphs. Transfer: gorge Taigak - cordon Mynbulak - Singing barchan (69 km). Arrival on Singing barchan, walks in vicinities of barchan, an ascention on barchan, photographing.
Transfer: singing barchan - cordon Mynbulak - guest house «Shagan" (42 km). Arrival in the guest house «Shagan», rest, overnight.
7 Day. Settlement Baschi - settlement Koktal - canyon Charyn - Almaty (426 km).
Breakfast. Transfer: guest house «Shagan» - settlement Baschi - settlement Konyrolen - settlement Koktal - settlement Chundzha - canyons Charyn (226 km). Our way passes on road already known to us to canyon Charyn. After river Charyn we move on steppe stony road. Arrival on canyons Charyn, walk in vicinities, descent in canyon, walk to the river Charyn, photographing of vicinities. Returning to the beginning of descent.
Transfer: canyon Charyn - settlement Kokpek (35 km). Transfer: settlement Kokpek - settlement Chilik - Almaty (165 km). Arrival in Almaty, accommodation in hotel. Overnight in hotel.
8 Day. Almaty.
Accompanying service at departure to airport, departure from Almaty.
Distances on route «Tour Petroglyphs Dardamty and Small Usek»:
Almaty - barrows Issyk - 52 km.
Barrows Issyk - saks barrows «North Malovodnoe» - 76 km
Barrows «North Malovodnoe» - saksе barrows «North Chilik» - 44 km.
Kumyshana "Usek" – petrglyphs Usek - 5 km.
Kumyskhana “Usek" - settlement Enbekshi - sacred tree Aulie-Agash - 30 km.
Zharkent - settlement Baschi - guest house «Shagan” - 10 km.
Guest house «Shagan» - barrows Besshatyr - 60 km.
Barrows Besshatyr – petrоglyphs Taigak - 31 kм.
Gorge Taigak - Singing barchan - 69 km.
Cordon «Mynbulak» - Guest house «Shagan» - 42 km.
Notes for tour «Tour Petroglyphs Dardamty and Small Usek»:
1. Transfers on jeeps or minibuses «Mitsubish Delica». It is an extreme route (high heat, road dust).
2. Quantity the person for such round no more than 12 person.
3. At lodgings for the night in yurts - toilets on the nature.
4. Personal equipment of the tourist: sleeping bag, karemat (sleeping rug), small lamp. Recommended clothes and footwear: running shoes with rigid sole, trekking boots or shoes, cap, sunglasses.
5. Accommodation in tents - on 2 persons, at desire it is possible to give single accommodation for an additional payment.
6. Russian guides at this excursion - Maryashev Alexey Nikolaevich, professor, doctor of historical sciences or Olga Gumirova - writer, journalist.
Author program is Alexander Petrov. Copying and introduction - only from the sanction of the author -
Alexander Petrov