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Trip to lake Kamyskol.

Travels Holidays in Atyrau region.
“Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world”
Gustave Flaubert.
Rest on fresh and salty lakes Atyra of area.
The short description of the tour route to Kamyskol Lake:
Atyrau - Dossor - Onai-ata mausoleum – Kulsary village – Kamyskol lake.
Distance route: 502 km.
Season: April - September.
The best time for an excursion: June - August.
Duration: 1 day.
The detailed program of an excursion trip in Atyrau of province:
Travel on the Atyrau region.
Transfer: Atyrau - Dossor - village Sagiz - village Bekbeke – Kulsary village (247 km). Arrival in village Kulsary. Transfer on lake Kamyskol (4 km). Arrival on lake Kamyskol. Bathing in lake, rest on beach. In Atyrau area there are not enough reservoirs where it is possible to spend time on beach on coast and to have rest at cool water in summer heat.
Such place is near to village Kulsary, is lake Kamyskol.
Our way from Atyrau lays on northeast to village Kulsary. River Uil originates in Mugadzhary mountains and runs into river Zhem which gives moisture to all Zhilyoiskii area Atyrau area and which turn through canal Bakhashy and Kursay fills lake Kamyskol. Here fine sandy beach.
If you will like rest on lake Kamyskol and you will wish to remain for some days for rest on lake it is possible to be placed on lodging for the night in hotels of village Kulsary. Lunch and dinner. In the evening returning in Atyrau.
The note:
Author program of Alexander Petrov. No part, programs and descriptions, can be used without the permission -
Alexander Petrov.