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Turgay nature reserve.

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“To look directly at the sun - to be ill with blindness.
I, who lives in his great warmth,
Only in the evening I saw how it goes
In his own, twisted by sunset, golden tent”
Abay Kunanbayev "Spring". Translation by L, Shubin.
Sightseeing tours in Kazakhstan.
Turgai state nature reserve national importance established in 1967 on the territory of Irgiz district. Currently, the reserve's area is 296 000 ha. The sanctuary was created in Mesopotamia Irgiz – Torgai – Ulcayak for the purpose of preservation and restoration of valuable, rare and endangered species of birds and animals, protection of valuable ecological communities Irgiz-Turgay lakes.
The area belongs to the South Turgay plain, the surface of which is composed of different Genesis and Quaternary continental Neogene-Paleogene sandy-clayey formations. Paleozoic basement deeply immersed up to 1000 – 2000 m.
The Relief Turgay nature reserve is a hilly plain with numerous lakes, which is the main value of the reserve. The hills stretched in the Eastern and North-Eastern direction. The hilltops flat or domed. Climate Turgay nature reserve is sharply continental.
Winter is cold with little snow, there are snow storms. The hot, dry summer. The hydrographic network is represented by rivers Torgai, Irgiz, Olkeek. Major tributaries of Torgai in the sanctuary river Telcara and Saryozek.
Numerous rivers feed the lake, which form the lake system. In the valley of Torgai the largest is lake Baitakkol, an area of 5230 ha and a coastline of more than 70 km of Lakes located in the basin of the river Irgiz – Malaidarkol, Taypakkol, Sasykkol, are relatively small areas and different depths, are oblong in shape, elongated along the river.
Most deep – lake Malaidarkol. The lake system of Olkeyek river – Kyzylkol, Cholakol, Airkol, Zhailau. The largest Kyzylkol. The soil is represented by brown soils. On the overgrown loosely-sandy soil, good moisture permeability, formed the turf-grass steppe vegetation type with the inclusion of dwarf semi-green wormwood.
Flora includes 430 species from 64 families, 216 genera: the largest of the Asteraceae (64 species) – Chenopodiaceae (29 species), Cyperaceae (24 species). Rare species: Ferula, onion, Astragal. Wildlife Turgay nature reserve the reserve is represented by 29 species of mammals, 170 species of birds, 30 of which are listed in the Red book of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 14 species of reptiles, 4 species of amphibians and 11 species of fish.
The wetlands of the refuge favorable for the muskrat, who settled everywhere. Among birds the most numerous waterfowl – ducks, geese, coot. During the autumn migrations of the lake are covered with a veil of vacationers and feeding bird flocks.
The reserve nest grey goose, almost all species of ducks, coots, herons, cormorants, sandpipers. From species listed in the Red book of Kazakhstan, nest on the whooper Swan, spoonbill, glossy IBIS, Dalmatian Pelican, black-bellied Sandgrouse, the Demoiselle, Jack, steppe eagle, white-tailed eagle, osprey, white-headed duck.
On migration regularly meet Bewick's Swan, Flamingo, red-breasted goose, bustard, a large Falcon and rare at present the Siberian crane. The waters of the refuge are playing great fisheries. The most valuable commercial species are carp, crucian carp, pike.
The importance of the wetlands of the refuge due to its location on one of the main routes of migration of most species of migratory birds, many of which nest in this place.
" The ecological project » Natural resources of the Aktyubinsk area.
Alexander Petrov.