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Village Zarkent.

Agrotourism tours in Uzbekistan.
“Once, when Khoja was sitting on the bank of a river, ten blind men approached him. They asked to transfer them to the other side. Molla agreed, but with the proviso that each of them would give a quarter of a tanga.
He translated nine blind men, and when he led the tenth, in the middle of the river, the water caught the blind and carried it away.
The blind people understood what had happened and raised a cry.
- What are you sounding in vain? - Khoja shrugged his shoulders, - Give me a quarter tanga less and be done with it!"
100 stories about Khoja Nasreddin.
A trip to the village Zarkent.
Kishlak Zarkent is located in the foothill zone 5 kilometers east of Parkent in Parkent district, Tashkent region. Height above sea level from 800 meters and above. All the surroundings of Zarkent are planted with plantations of elite grape varieties and orchards.
By the time you have driven further South and have just about recovered from your high-tech experience, get ready to make a left turn as you utter the word "Champagne". Indeed, that is where you will find yourself, in a village where in 1915 French Winemakers fell for the fine quality of local grapes, remarking how closely these resembled the grapes from the French Champagne region.
Rows upon rows of trellised wines yield about 180 tons of grapes each year. From the time a seedling is planted to harvesting its fruits takes 4 years. Farmers are solely reliant on rain for irrigation The hills behind Krasnagorsk are a favorite of "nomadic" honey producers throughout the summer.
Their movable bee-hives are parked along the road in flower filled fields, the air, otherwise without a sound, is buzzing as you approach. Often, 1l glass jars with fresh honey are sold right off the wagon.
In recent years, tourism has been actively developing in Zarkent.
Agrotourism routes pass through the gardens and vineyards of Zarkent. Part of the flow of tourists visiting Zarkent are pilgrims, visitors to an architectural complex at the burial place of Sheikh Zarkent ata.
It is located in the upper part of the village.
By giving Sheikh Zarkent ata, the settlement was founded afterwards received his name. Some time ago, at the initiative of the local population, the burial place and the surrounding area were landscaped.
Not far from the architectural complex Zarkent Ata knocks out a spring providing water to all the villages.
In 2014, next to the Zarkentat complex, it is planned to build camping and other facilities for the comfortable rest of tourists. The mountain slopes adjacent to Zarkent from the east are of interest in terms of the organization of active tourism.
There are several exciting weekend routes from Zarkent for: these include the following routes: Zarkent-Kumushkan, Zarkent-Sukok, Zarkent-Sanganak. The route to the buffer zone of the Chatkal biosphere reserve has also been developed, from where its inhabitants can often be observed.