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Ylkham park in Ashgabad.

Train Travel from Uzbekistan to Turkmenistan.
In the capital of Turkmenistan there was a wonderful place - the Ylkham park that in translation from Turkmen means - inspiration. The park in which there live sculptures. It was placed in the historic center of the Turkmen capital, having united avenues and squares, streets and small streets of Ashgabat called in honor of outstanding Turkmen poets and writers. Gerogla Avenue, Azadi Street, Myati Kosyaev, Makhtumkuli Avenue as if strung on one pearl thread, formed a uniform poetic stream, that road endlessly that leads from history depths to eternity.
The architecture of the park divided thematically into three equal sectors crossed by accurate direct avenues and the water channel forces to remember classical models of landscape gardening art which indispensable attributes was the monumental sculpture.
In a peculiar historical and art museum more than forty sculptures on which creation about thirty leading sculptors of the country worked are under the open sky collected. The Inspiration park was open at the beginning of October, 2010.
Walk on its avenues allows not only to enjoy communication with the nature, but also "to meet" here those who made glory of the Turkmen earth, in a word, to plunge into the history far and absolutely close.
The carpet from yellow-red leaves covered a chessboard over which Abu Bekr As-Suly - the talented scientist and developed personality was inclined. It had a reputation for the outstanding chess player of the time who wrote the first book about chess.
The large-scale sculptural composition which imprinted an image of the outstanding Turkmen thinker and poet of the IXth century is established in the center of gallery, at the source stretched across all territory of the park, the water channel.
It opens a peculiar architectural trilogy. Behind it on both sides of the artificial river, the sculptures recreating images of the glorified thinkers and scientists whose creative heritage is invaluable national property and an integral part of a treasury of world culture follow.
Each of sculptural works reflects characteristic features of images, multiple-valued details reveal features of their activity. A figure of Mahmoud Zamakhshara represented with books and his eternal satellite - a wooden staff, involuntarily you remember the legends accompanying a name of the outstanding scientist and thinker, all the life of the reason which proved advantage, its victory over an illness, force and advantage of knowledge.
The composition which symbolically united the great mathematician Moussa Horezmi of the scientist Shamsetdin Mervezi and the poet Mahmoud Palvan abounds with the details emphasizing rapidity of time, imperishability of a thought and importance of studying of sciences.
In the shadow of a stone plane tree you will be greeted by the philosopher Al Farabi, itself stopped here for rest and the bringing to favourite business - a game on a container. Biruni in far depths of a galaxy to take part in discussion of important questions with Nedzhmetdin Kubra and kaza by Burkhanetdin Ahmet, to admire a regal figure of the governor sitting on a throne and the poet Jahan Sha, to remember outstanding statesmen and talented writers the Bayram the khan and his son Abdurakhim the khan who left an indelible mark in national history and history of India what in the sculptural composition devoted to them reminds the image of elephants of.
Poets and Mean's theologians woman, Mahmoud al-Kashgari, Abu Ali Ibn Xing and As-Sarakhsi. Moving from a sculpture to a sculpture, we as if we leaf through pages of the history which is taking away us in depth of centuries, like a spirit of the age, and the "speaking" details - some kind of author's hints help to make our travel even more interesting and informative.
The following part of an exposition is devoted to remarkable poets of the XI - XIX centuries. The park of sculptures - already became one of pleasant and favourite places for walks and sincere rest of both residents, and his numerous guests.
The beautiful and well-planned avenues, bright flower beds which remained here long-term trees and new evergreen plantings original lamps and bridges in combination with numerous color organ fountains give to this wonderful corner of Ashgabat special and unique shape.
Kadzharova Maral.