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Youth Theater named after Vakhidov in Dushanbe.

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“Whoever approaches the temple of the Muses without inspiration, believing that only skill is worthy, will remain inept, and his presumptuous verses will fade before the songs of madmen”
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Tajik State Youth Theater named after M. Vakhidov is located at N. Karabaev Avenue, 23, on the corner of Jami Avenue, 764 meters northeast of the city park named after Firdousi. The theater was founded in 1971. The creative staff is graduates of GITIS named after A. Lunacharsky.
The Youth Theater began its activities by staging the play "Vassa Zheleznova" based on the play by M. Gorky on the stage of the Theater. Lahuti. The repertoire of the theater in the first years of its formation: "The Doctor involuntarily" by J. B. Moliere, "Criminal Tango" by E. Rannet, "Robia Balkhi" by A. Atoboev. The first artistic director is H. Abdurazzakov.
The main events of the time were reflected in the theater productions - "The Fifteenth Spring" by A. Zak and I. Kuznetsov, "Safar Amirshoev" by T. Akhmadkhonov and R. Safarov, "Mother" by K. Chapek, "Rural Anecdotes" by A. Vampilov, "Free Theme » A. Chkheidze, “The Bride and Groom” by M. Baydzhiev, “Strings of Love” by K. Kirom.
Particular attention is paid to the production of national dramaturgy. Playwrights Sh. Solekhov, Kh. Nurov, M. Khayolov grew up from among the actors and directors themselves. World and Russian classics occupy a special place in the theatre's repertoire: The Dance Teacher by Lope de Vega (1975), Don Giovanni by J. B. Molière (1987) and others.
Youth theater in 1980 - 2000 staged performances based on the plays by A. Bahori "The Fortuneteller Afandi", A. Khamdam "Safar-Mahsum", S. Ulugzod "Rudaki" and others. Talented directors such as Z. Javadov, A. Kadyrov, N. Jalolov were brought up in the theater. Actors of the Youth Theater - G. Abdullaeva, R. Kosimova, A. Kodirov, T. Rozikov, A. Saodatova, I. Gulomov, G. Islomov, B. Mingboev, Z. Khushvaktov are the pride of the Tajik theatrical art.
Geographical coordinates of Tajik State Youth Theater named after M. Vakhidov in Dushanbe: N38°31'43.53" E68°45'29.52"